Originally Posted by RobinMask
That's more reassuring than you'll ever know
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but how common are some of these insects? I can accept some of them, deal with others, but that giant spider completely freaks me out! If I'm in a city, like say Tokyo, in a typical apartment . . . how likely am I to come across our many-legged friends here? I'm really hoping they are very rare and not commonplace, but please . . . someone tell me, because if there's spiders bigger than my hand that are commonly walking about I may cry 
I haven`t really seen much other than the small geji geji - small enough to fit through small holes in a screen. No "Bigger than my hand" horrors around here.
At the in-laws, we`ve encountered a few massive spiders, but the gekkos tend to eat them all before they get that big. (Gekkos live in their house. Much cuter to see a tiny gekko running across the floor than a spider or cockroach. They also don`t carry disease or eat people food like mice, so yay!)
I have yet to see a single one of those massive hornets. I`m absolutely terrified of them and am indeed on the look out. But not even one so far after 13 years.
The mosquitoes are what drive me crazy. I hate them, and they spawn in clouds here. ARGH.
My husband considers the little stink bugs mortal enemies now, and will go out of his way to kill them if at all possible. I guess one of them crawled into his pants once long ago, and his crotch stunk of bug for a week afterward.