Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
That's him, though. It's like me giving travel advice on Manchester! I've never been there but I could gather a few lines of information from the internet!
The bastard once even offered to teach me Japanese in a PM. 
Nagoyakee, I don't think that the thread was created to investigate our history in the forum. Moreover, i think that if the mods want to be really 'fair', you are the one to whom the profanity acquisition should be directed, and not to me but..... It is quite obvious that you are just like gansters here in the forum and you what you do is only tracking me and checking every single word i type in my posts. Therefore, I took a decision, which is to ignore ya completely, as though you do not exist here. For that purpose, i won't reply or post my viewpoint to any of your annoying comments.
By the way, we have a proverb (or you can call it an ideomatic phrase) that we use quite a lot in arabic, which is: "alkalam min sifat almotakallem" which literally means that the speech is all of the qualities/adjectives of the speaker. The meaning beyond is that every single word you say, is exactly what you are, namely, you can be characterised and described by your tems (especially curses and vulgar words). When ya addressed me as 'bastared', i can infer that you have that quality in your adjectives' list.
Have a nice day, dude
