Ok, sigh, here we go. Please be kind to this post as I am not sure as how to go about it and I would like as much help as possible. I know this isnt exactly advice asking but idk where else to turn, so please dont turn me down for help.
I dream of going to the comiket this upcoming summer, however, to make this dream come true I am having a few issues with several severe blocks, such as, Japanese reading (im learning to speak it and should have the basics by the summer), being familiar with the area (such as from airport to comiket and even the comiket area itself (it worries me
)), and planning for the event, such as reading the comiket catalog (its a freakin phone book lol).
So Im asking for any help with these above issues, money and expenses are not an issue, if there is anyone who lives in japan going to this summer comiket, id love to talk to you about helping me plan and go or if anyone else is going, etc. I think this is about it, I'm not sure if I covered everything but these issues are the basics to getting this dream underway. I know the summer is quite far away but I'm kind of a worry wart so I want to make sure that I have everything ready for when the time comes, again to those that are reading this thank you for your time and any help will be apreciated.