Gap Year in a Japanese High school -
02-05-2011, 02:55 PM
Is it possible for me to attend high school in Japan on a gap year? I used to live in Japan when I was younger and did attend some years of elementary there. I would like to do a year of high school there after I graduate here in America. I also skipped a grade so I'll be 17 when I graduate (born 12/1/94) and I'm a sophomore atm. I also still keep in touch with some friends back in Japan and they thought it would be pretty cool as well.
Not trying to be rude, but I'm not really looking for "Why do you want to do this?" or "wait till college," just an answer as to whether or not it would be possible. Thanks for your time and I'd appreciate any insight on this matter. Also.. I totally have no idea where this kind of thread should go on these forums.