Originally Posted by Skuu
I see.. is it reasonable that a woman would be using that name? Like, her dad's address or something? I'm only going off the picture on their profile, since they haven't told me their gender specifically. :/ The websites I found when I googled the address suggested a man as well.
I don't know anything about that homestay site, so I have no idea if that could be her father's name or not. it would seem odd for a child to be inviting people to stay in her parents' home for homestays.
Originally Posted by JohnBraden
Perhaps it's nothing, but both begin with Toshi and that may be something. Maybe what is added at the end determines the gender? I'm just postulating here.
ending -ko is pretty exclusively for women, unless it is -hiko, which is part of a male name.
I have never heard of a woman with -nori ending in her first name.