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(#91 (permalink))
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12-22-2007, 04:23 AM

I'm new here, and I, too, was wondering about this topic. I'm a black female, and I would love to visit there someday, but am hesitant because I am black, and I have no idea how black females are treated or approached there. I've never read anything on it, just guys, for the most part.

I'm studying up on the language and the culture. My current problem is that I have no way there, but I wouldn't want to go as I am now anyway (weight and I don't feel confident with my language skills, but I also have no one to practice with outside of a classroom setting). I would like to join up with the JET program, since I am studying to become an Elementary school teacher anyway, so being an ALT might be an interesting experience, if I manage to get into it.
Originally Posted by Housetek View Post
yea tons of great places in america

just dont go to Camden new Jersey, highest murder rate city in usa

or my town philly. 2nd highest

we just had like 3 cops shot in the past 3 weeks
You know, I heard that where I live (Richmond, Virginia) had more homicides than places like New York, which is really scary. I've never seen that type of stuff personally since nothing goes on in my neighborhood, but I guess most of that stuff happens in the city parts here as opposed to the suburban areas. I really wish we had a better gun system, like in places like Japan.
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(#92 (permalink))
roverray58 (Offline)
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Thumbs up 12-28-2007, 01:45 AM

Dont' worry about your color. They really dont' care. Besides
you being black makes you no different than anyone else.
Just remember you are an American so you must put your best
manners ahead of yourself. When traveling treat all with
repect and honor and you will receive the same in return.
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(#93 (permalink))
staypuft12 (Offline)
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Exclamation 12-31-2007, 01:46 PM

I would like to say that it doesn't matter what colour you are or where you come from its who you are as a person that is the true you, I hope the individual that started this thread goes to Japan and has the best time he or she can have and I really mean that. I would love to go to Japan in near future also, but I will have to start saving a few pennies first

I must say I'am suprised at some of the blatant racist comments that have been made on this thread, its disrespectful to non-racists on this whole forum!!! Me included. All I can say is think before you write.
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(#94 (permalink))
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Smile 01-24-2008, 08:26 PM

Thanks guys. I would have made some replys to some of your post earlier but college kills most my time. I feel better about going to japan now. 1. For the post you guys put on here. and 2. For all the japanese friends i've made at my college. Im hoping to have a good time and thanks.
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(#95 (permalink))
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01-24-2008, 08:31 PM

Don't let anything get in the way of u doin' as u want...i'm black and my best friends r of all sorts of races. Just keep in mind that if u r faced with a person who is racists to everything that they may say just answer with a simple......SO!

The pic added goes to the ones whose ideas are in a box, to the ones who don't give respect to the one who doesn't fit in that box, stereotying one as I am. You'll soon learn your mistake in not getting the chance, because of Your Error to get to know as others have gotten to know, love, respect, and appreciate me for who I am and not for what you aim to make me.

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(#96 (permalink))
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01-26-2008, 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Ayame90 View Post
Don't let anything get in the way of u doin' as u want...i'm black and my best friends r of all sorts of races. Just keep in mind that if u r faced with a person who is racists to everything that they may say just answer with a simple......SO!
Well put Ayame, thats exactly what i would be doing.
The main i'll say is to just be yourself and keep on the look out, cause you never know who's gonna do what to ya.
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(#97 (permalink))
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01-26-2008, 07:44 PM

Im black and im going to japan in august dude...Even there are some racist ppl everywhere dont be scared wht can they do to you? lol they gonna eat you loool

I Honestly, seriously and truly.....don't care about U
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(#98 (permalink))
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01-26-2008, 08:26 PM

Well, to begin with this a racist thread. I understand if someone would have reservations visiting a different country because of the culture change.
In my opinion, racism against blackness is more brought upon by blacks themselves being self conscience of themselves more than others being racist against them.
I'm sure that in the South of the United States, racism is still rampant. But, historically, Japan is so not racist.
So, just get over yourself, go to Japan and consider yourself lucky.

Peace Love Recycle
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(#99 (permalink))
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01-26-2008, 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Oren View Post
Well, to begin with this a racist thread. I understand if someone would have reservations visiting a different country because of the culture change.
In my opinion, racism against blackness is more brought upon by blacks themselves being self conscience of themselves more than others being racist against them.
I'm sure that in the South of the United States, racism is still rampant. But, historically, Japan is so not racist.
So, just get over yourself, go to Japan and consider yourself lucky.
If you've always been in situations based solely on your race from schools to work, can you blame a person asking about how they'd be treated knowing that they'll be a "minority" from the get go?

I too was curious of how blacks were treated in Japan since there aren't many there. It's an honest, curious, legitimate question.
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(#100 (permalink))
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01-26-2008, 10:21 PM

In my opinion, racism against blackness is more brought upon by blacks themselves being self conscience of themselves more than others being racist against them.

Ur pretty stupid...Ur Black?

I Honestly, seriously and truly.....don't care about U
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