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(#71 (permalink))
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07-22-2008, 02:16 AM

Wow, thanks for all the advice. I Want to visit one day, When I learn more of the language before I visit.
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(#72 (permalink))
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07-23-2008, 02:17 PM

These are very good tips, thanks to all who contributed. One thing ... funnily enough, in Osaka, I noticed people stand on the right when on an escalator and walk on the left, like in Europe and unlike Tokyo.

About eating sushi, I didn't know the fish part was dipped into the soy sauce, I've always moistened the rice and yes, it does get soggy. But when using chopsticks, I can't quite see how to hold the sushi upside down into the soy sauce, can anyone please explain. Also, I like to place a strip of ginger on the sushi and then dip it into the sauce, this give a little crunch and seasoning. Is this not done by the Japanese? Do they just eat a strip of ginger between each piece of sushi?

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(#73 (permalink))
uchimizu (Offline)
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07-28-2008, 08:54 PM

While Japan has many rules of etiquette, I do not think a short-term visitor should spend time mastering them all. The most important is to come with the right attitude, respect for the country, the people and their custom, and be open minded.

I wrote a quick "survival guide" for manners in Japan. You may want to check-it out.
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(#74 (permalink))
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08-11-2008, 01:52 AM

Quick question:

I'd really like to visit a traditional Sento or Onsen, but alas I am covered with tattoos (and yokai to boot) I figure I have a safe bet with a more touristy Oedo Onsen Monogatari in Tokyo (or do I?)

Does anyone here (perhaps with lots of tattoos) have experiences, good or bad, about Onsen that I should know about before trying to get into one?
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(#75 (permalink))
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08-11-2008, 01:55 AM

Originally Posted by Magen View Post
Quick question:

I'd really like to visit a traditional Sento or Onsen, but alas I am covered with tattoos (and yokai to boot) I figure I have a safe bet with a more touristy Oedo Onsen Monogatari in Tokyo (or do I?)

Does anyone here (perhaps with lots of tattoos) have experiences, good or bad, about Onsen that I should know about before trying to get into one?

Lengthy thread about the information you're seeking. Don't mind the flames.

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(#76 (permalink))
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08-11-2008, 04:10 AM

thanks for all the rules, many of which I haven't come across before (not many people I know have gone to Japan to having this is helpful for my future travels)


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(#77 (permalink))
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09-11-2008, 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by TokyoRain View Post
thanks for all the rules, many of which I haven't come across before (not many people I know have gone to Japan to having this is helpful for my future travels)

np =) hopefully i can get some time and organize all of this better.

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heres a personal Ty to all who voted and participated http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ER8CsVuTNY

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(#78 (permalink))
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09-11-2008, 06:03 PM

awesome tips. thanks so much! can't wait for more. def gonna check out your guide to tokyo

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(#79 (permalink))
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09-12-2008, 12:03 PM

Thank you for all the tips. It is definitely important to know another country's way of commutation before visiting that country. I guess you can say the country's dos and don'ts. Really appreciate the help, going to check out all your videos, and looking forward to anything you post in the future.

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(#80 (permalink))
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Smile Thanks for the advice - 09-20-2008, 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Housetek View Post
i posted this stuff on another thread, but felt like this would be useful information for all.

These are jus some tips, rules, and etiquette for japan.

i will add more later im very tired now and cant think.

but this is all stuff from my personal experience of 8 trips to japan and living here 3 months at a time

1: you dont tip
cept some bars
gratuity is included in bill, hence why tokyo is so frigen expensive when you eat out.

2: do not put your chop sticks in your rice sticking up *example stabbing your food and leaving it there to rest*

3: dont slam taxi doors, they open AND shut for you
walk to your left

4: if your on a escalator you stand on the left and walk on the right

5: be polite let elderly, disable, and pregnant have seats on trains

6: if you see vending machines try not to eat and walk
its not a RULE or any thing but its polite to drink or eat while at the machine
thats why they have trash cans there and thats why the drinks are so tiny most of the time and the portions are small.
they dont have trashcans around japan unless its near a vending machine

7: DONOT throw trash into bike baskets

8: if your hailing a taxi and some one is in front of you waiting. dont be a d bag and walk in front of them and take a taxi

9: dont start a fight, they can put you in jail with no questions asked for a very long time.
if you fight with a japanese person, cops will always take their side over you

10: drugs are super no no... i prolly dont have to tell you but, the punishment is very harsh here.

11: if any one offers you a massag on the street, they are a prostitute/hooker, you'll see this alot in roppongi at night

12: try avoid using Shi and useing Yon instead for some things.
just bad luck to use shi, *its word for death*

13: if you go out to buy electronics and stuff at duty free places, bring your passport you will not have to pay taxes

14: alot of people read stuff about Gaijin Smash and gaijin powers, basically saying since you are a Gaijin you can do what you want and not get in trouble for it. dont do any thing like cut in line or just generally jerk moves b.c. you read on outpost nine about this "gaijin Smash" nonsense.
be polite and enjoy the customs

15: when you get use to the train system take a picture of the English Subway line maps, you will see how much it cost to get to certain areas so you dont have to do fair adjustments which is a pain.
also you'l have it on your camera and you can zoom in and know where the transfer spots are.

16: DO NOT just take random pictures of japanese people. i know my japanese friends hate this. They are girls and they hate when Gaijins come and take snapshots of them with out permission or ask them to pose with them.

its pretty pathetic.

cosplayers like the attention so thats okay, but dont go up to any person and just start snapping away, its very rude.

17. do not ask for bootlegged games/ movies in stores
IE system hacks, and things like m3 and r4 for the ds.
Game stores HATE when people ask for these types of things.
trust me i know from experience =P

18. when eating out or buying things, please wait for your change, even if its just 1 yen.

they WILL run after you to give it to you.

its also polite to place the money on the table or plate they present to you instead of their hand. *was told this by my friends mom*

19: if you dont know japanese, please attempt to speak a little.
its just polite, and at least your ATTEMPTING to speak japanese. instad of jus barking orders in another language.

20: pour your friends drinks when you are having Saki or beer or somthing, its just polite.

21.if you cant figure a word out in japanese jus say it like a japanese person would, example Ice Cream - ASUKUREMU
it works very well
thank you SO much for posting this. this will be really helpful when I actually get to go to Japan most of them are kind of common sense, and other things are cultural I wouldn't have known about. thanks!
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