Originally Posted by ryuurui
Good God, those details must have taken you ages! Your work makes me really hungry! Very unique ink painting, first time i see one like this. It is also great for learning Japanese.
That's what it was originally for

I did a big poster in black & white in uni so I could learn food vocab, and I really liked the look of it, so I decided to do this colour version.
I didn't tally up the hours on this. I know the initial sketch took me about 5-6 hours, but that was fast as I was able to just copy a lot off the B&V version. Inking the outline took about the same or a bit longer, and painting...I've been working on that since the start of November on and off. So I guess it's probably around about the 90-100 hours mark, including the searching for colour photo references, and checking the writing. It was fun though; I enjoyed combining my sumi-e skills with ordinary water-colour and cartooning. I've done an A3 copy of it for my sister for Xmas, and now my mum wants one too!
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it