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(#1 (permalink))
Deadlymeltdown (Offline)
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Need Help to Find New Hairstyle!! - 12-17-2009, 08:32 AM

I need help finding a Japanese hairstyle that is semi-easy to manage and hopefully only has to either straighten/curl my hair but not having to use hair sprays. I manly need one that suits the structure of my face that will look good on me. As you can see my hair is also medium length, and I would preferably rather not cut it, except for bangs. I'm sorry if i made this difficult but if anyone can figure something out that would be amazingly helpful, I've never been good with putting hairstyles to facial structure so my hairs always jsut a quick brush through and go. Thankz everyone!
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(#2 (permalink))
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IamKira (Offline)
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12-17-2009, 08:34 AM

make it white and straight!.. that's what turns me on the most
but you are very sexy as you are
you should put some full body photo's up for us uhum...

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(#3 (permalink))
Deadlymeltdown (Offline)
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12-17-2009, 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by IamKira View Post
make it white and straight!.. that's what turns me on the most
but you are very sexy as you are
you should put some full body photo's up for us uhum...
that's kinda creepy XD but i have been thinking for about half a year now of dying my hair virgin snow white and making the ends of my hair ultra violet. Still a debate though.
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(#4 (permalink))
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12-17-2009, 01:36 PM

check out rasysa
lots of japanese hair styles. more so gyaru styles though

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(#5 (permalink))
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12-17-2009, 05:19 PM

Ignore IamKira. He's just a frustrated young boy.

As for your hair, I say personally, don't dye it. It ruins the hair, and in the long run, it's damaging.

It's not an asian style, but something I think would go well. Grow it longer, much longer, have it in the style as in the very first picture, but braid it all into one loose braid.

With your face, it'd go very well, since you seem to suit it already. And it'd give a certain elegance to your body too. I've seen a few Asian women have this style before, and it's beautiful. Albeit, it's not an Asian style really.

Although, if you're looking for an extreme style, I'm not the best to ask. I prefer longer styles, than to wacky colours, and so I'm not the best to give advice about that.

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(#6 (permalink))
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12-17-2009, 05:23 PM

Well, I'd basically agree with Salv. Your haircolor is pretty as it is, but red-ish highlights or tones would def. look good :'3

Also, I think it'd be cute with your hair like this.

Your natural waves are a bit droopy. You should try some vol. shampoo - it'll do wonders. And... bangs would really emphasize your eyes, I think. : D

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(#7 (permalink))
Deadlymeltdown (Offline)
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12-18-2009, 01:57 AM

I was thinking of bangs just the other night but I'm not into the complete straight bangs cut, i kinda like some off the ones were they are longer in sections and what not so yea... XD ....and yes i do think I'm going to grow my hair longer, i kinda wish i never cut it a few years ago. thanks everyone if anyone has anymore ideas that would be awesome
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(#8 (permalink))
feelthesugarpain (Offline)
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12-24-2009, 05:01 PM

A girl like Yousei Teikoku, have really beautiful hair, long straight and short straight bangs.. But I can see the problem if you don't like bangs like that + think you should have a little longer hair for a haircut like that x3
hmmm, you could get some bangs with deffirent lenghts? and the rest of your hair a little disheveled? :3 I think that would look kinda nice with the length you already have.
- If you are planning on die your hair completely blond, then make sure you can give your hair a lot of care after, AND be very cautious, while doing the process.. because you're hair is so dark it will be bad for your hair. So be careful. But I think bangs will be very pretty to you : D.
- sry for my english (not sure all is right) and hope I could help just a little o(^w^)o
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(#9 (permalink))
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12-31-2009, 07:35 AM

Mmm, a healthy head of hair. That's enough to get a hair styist exited. Your facial structure could work many styles, but I'd recommend finding one that emphasises your eyes.
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(#10 (permalink))
toopham (Offline)
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01-05-2010, 12:27 PM


You have a very cute face.

First off your hair is boring. I can see why you want to style it.

It's hard to imagine you with any style with that boring hair of yours.

First off don't split your hair in half like that.
Now go get your hair layer. It looks like all your hair strands are equal length. That is a big no no.
Layering your hair will really help a lot.

Try these two steps and then take more pics and show us.
Don't leave your hair flat, once your hair is layered use gatsby wax and hair spray to give it volume. Watch youtube tutorial on how to do that.
here is an example.
YouTube - Tutorial: How to style your hair (Gatsby Style)

Hope to see your new hair soon.
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