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(#1 (permalink))
Thunderstorm (Offline)
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A question regarding traditional men clothing - 07-05-2011, 10:13 PM

Good evening,

I was just listening to some stuff from the band Onmyouza. What I really like is their traditional way of clothing. Now, I was wondering what this guy is wearing. Hakama,sure, but what about his top? Gi? Haori? etc`? But I am not really sure if it is a Haori...

What also fascinates me is the bright colors. When I usually stumble about men's clothing its darker, a bit dull. I am sure they have a seamstress, but can you get similar stuff without having to hire one?

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(#2 (permalink))
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siokan (Offline)
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07-05-2011, 11:48 PM

nagagi or hangi +hakama
It is not a cloth only for the kimono. It is a usual cloth.

I am sure they have a seamstress
Matatabi and maneki's mothers. Usual tailoring shop.

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(#3 (permalink))
tokusatsufan (Offline)
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07-06-2011, 08:03 AM

Well I have a happi,which is basically the same as a kimono but without the breasts.
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(#4 (permalink))
Thunderstorm (Offline)
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07-07-2011, 12:11 AM

Ah lucky to have mothers who can do the job. So its a tailor for me =(. But what exactly is a nagagi? Where is the difference to a normal kimono? Or is it just a different word?
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(#5 (permalink))
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07-07-2011, 03:01 AM

hada-juban/1st underwear
juban/2nd underwear (Do not put it on when it is hot)
nagagi/kimono (normal) (Use usually or Hakama and using together)
tangi/kimono (Hakama exclusive use)
haori/coat (protection against the cold or dress up)

In my brain, this explanation is a limit. ┐(´ー`)┌

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(#6 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
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08-29-2011, 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by siokan View Post
hada-juban/1st underwear
juban/2nd underwear (Do not put it on when it is hot)
nagagi/kimono (normal) (Use usually or Hakama and using together)
tangi/kimono (Hakama exclusive use)
haori/coat (protection against the cold or dress up)

In my brain, this explanation is a limit. ┐(´ー`)┌
Do you know what a 'kosode' would be, then? I'm just curious as I've heard it used in conjunction with 'hakama' as being a style of top worn, much alike the picture in the original post . . . but seeing as it's not on the list, I wondered if I was given the right term for such an article of clothing, or if I have what the difference between it would be and other items on the list?
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(#7 (permalink))
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08-29-2011, 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
Do you know what a 'kosode' would be, then? I'm just curious as I've heard it used in conjunction with 'hakama' as being a style of top worn, much alike the picture in the original post . . . but seeing as it's not on the list, I wondered if I was given the right term for such an article of clothing, or if I have what the difference between it would be and other items on the list?
ko-sode 小袖

hiro-sode(or oo-sode) 広袖, 大袖

It is originally a nominal size of pump of the cuff.
The thing of nagagi might be called kosode.
The meaning of "Kosode" seems to be different because of the era.

I do not understand the reason.

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(#8 (permalink))
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09-22-2011, 11:19 PM


My name is Craig Lupine. An American Artist who has great enthusiasm for the Japanese Culture; I practice Sumi-E as one of my art styles.

The reason I came to this site is to learn more on the Japanese Culture, I'm not good at looking up my desired information on Google because of a handicap of mine. Anyway, i thought someone in this forum would help me out with a question of mine.

I decided to take up a challenge for my arts-and-crafts skills. Making my own Kimono's out of cotton instead of silk. The reason I came up with this challenge was something inspired by an artist I know on Youtube, "Henry Li" a Chinese Sumi-E artist. Anyway a saw him tape a video of him painting crows with acyrlic paints on tee shirts in Sumi-E. So I wanted to give that a try on Cotton Kimono's. I did it before, made a kimono out of an old pillowcase for a stuffed animal plushie which I painted a plum tree out of india ink, it was my first attempt that was a long time ago. However that's not what's bugging me.

A friend of mine who I told about this endevour suggested to scrap it, saying that Kimono's aren't meant to be painted on, even if there made as a blank canvas. I was wondering if any of you had an opinion on this matter. Any advice is welcome.
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