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(#11 (permalink))
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Eiri (Offline)
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09-23-2007, 03:44 AM

Ordering Lolita Clothes is expensive

My Property:Pexster, Slykaz1

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i would go to the bottom and drink my way up
but the ocean isn't vodka and i'm no duck
so pass up the bottle and shut the hell up!

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(#12 (permalink))
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bloodsinger (Offline)
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09-24-2007, 09:09 AM

yeah I know. Saw some girls in school wearing for racial harmony and it seemed really nice but heard it was expensive too

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(#13 (permalink))
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09-28-2007, 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by apricotsushi View Post
Hi everyone, I'm brand-spanking-new to this forum and was wondering if anyone had ever actually ordered lolita clothes from a Japanese retailer? Or even better, bought them at a store? I'm curious because I'm interested in buying things from the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright website but am unsure of how reliable it will be/whether or not the clothes will fit. Obviously I know they give you measurements for the waist size, etc. but everything only comes in one size... So has anyone that's not a tiny Japanese girl actually bought and worn these clothes?!

Pictures are welcome and よろしくおねがいしま〜す!
There's an actual Baby, stars that shine Loita Shoppe
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(#14 (permalink))
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10-01-2007, 05:39 PM

Sorry to impose.

*raises hand* If anyone's interested, I've ordered three dresses and a pair of bloomers from Metamorphosé... The dresses were about 150 dollars a piece, and the bloomers were 50. My favorite dress I'll buy for sure one day is 450 dollars, though. XD The clothes fit perfectly, even though I'm a bit on the chubby side. n__n;; I'm a bit short, so the skirts are a bit too long for me, but I guess I'll still grow a bit... I hope? Meta's dresses are all stretch around the waist, so they SHOULD fit basically anyone that isn't extremely overweight. Just keep in mind that the price of the clothes and the shipping probably won't be the only thing you'll have to pay, because at least if you live in Europe, heavy taxes will be imposed on your clothes... And if you're not able to pay them within around two weeks depending on the country, your clothes are sent back to the seller, and payback mightn't be possible! Always remember when ordering~ Just thought to share my wisdom with all of you. n__n Oh! And remember when ordering shoes, the sizes in Japan are not the same as in other countries! And when buying winter shoes, they might not be thick enough to keep you warm during the winter especially is your country is cold...

I'm planning on traveling to Paris in January to buy clothes from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's store there, but does anyone know about the pricing? Is it the same as on the website, or is it higher or lower? I'm really worried about this, because I won't want to buy clothes that are more expensive there...

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