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(#141 (permalink))
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05-03-2008, 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by d34thp0odle View Post
well actually you can use a chopstick like a pen ..
just stab everything you wanna eat (Ó.ò)
=P this way is fine as well ^^
Not a good way to make friends in Japan. Stabbing at food is an insult.
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05-17-2008, 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by fara7 View Post
I am not trying to make fun or anything but why do Japanese, Koreans and others use chopsticks? isn't it much easier to just take a spoon or fork and eat their food? I know this may sound a bit stupid but i am just curious why.

I just heard before that eating using chopsticks improves your concentration power, is that true? and are there any other benefits of using chopsticks?
because we all know chopsticks are amazing..

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(#143 (permalink))
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05-17-2008, 08:01 PM

I suppose it could be said, that learning to use chopsticks is like learning to use a pen. It feels awkward, uncomfortable, and even physically impossible at first. But over time, with practice and a bit of perseverance, you can eventually adapt your mind and fingers to this odd intricacy of "chopstick handling". x]

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(#144 (permalink))
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05-20-2008, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Crani
It's not the same, you use two chopsticks in one hand not just one like the pen, its pretty different.
Originally Posted by yuujirou
I suppose it could be said, that learning to use chopsticks is like learning to use a pen. It feels awkward, uncomfortable, and even physically impossible at first. But over time, with practice and a bit of perseverance, you can eventually adapt your mind and fingers to this odd intricacy of "chopstick handling". x]
While the slight more complicate and using more fingers, the fine motor skills of the thumb and first 2 fingers are almost identical between writing and using chopsticks.

I found this out when I lost the use of my right hand and had to re-learn using both. For a while I was equally good at flipping pens and chopsticks (and a few bits of food) across the room. Practicing either one improved the other up to a basic competance. I think when you learn to use chopsticks as an adult its just frustrating and intimidating because you see other people people who don't even ahve to think about what their hand is doing.

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(#145 (permalink))
ChibiShojoJournie (Offline)
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05-25-2008, 11:32 AM

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(#146 (permalink))
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05-25-2008, 04:10 PM

In my college we have a teacher whose wife is japanese so sometime he bring
japanese food and he said if you don't use chopsticks don't eat.....

It is difficult to eat with chopsticks...

Now I am pretty good in using it......^_^
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(#147 (permalink))
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05-25-2008, 05:15 PM

its easy to eat with chopsticks. Idk I have been eating with chopsticks for a few years and I find it harder to eat with forks and spoons for things recently. Rice (western) I can't eat with chopsticks soo easily unless its in a bowl.
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(#148 (permalink))
thomasz (Offline)
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05-26-2008, 09:39 AM

That's their habit. You use folk and spoon when eating.
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(#149 (permalink))
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05-28-2008, 03:59 PM

Although I'm British I enjoy eating food with chopsticks. I find it to be a more interesting and skilled way of eating.
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(#150 (permalink))
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... - 07-09-2008, 04:50 PM

honestly, I think that chopsticks are a lot more civilized than just using a fork and spoon to shovel food into your mouth. Eating at a slower pace is better for your digestion! Although, sadly, I have witnessed the horrific event of chopsticks being used as "scoops" *shudders at the thought*
some people are such barbarians...

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