
View Poll Results: How do you take your rice?
plain white 23 41.07%
with soy sauce 17 30.36%
with furikake 3 5.36%
other 13 23.21%
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Rice - 06-10-2010, 07:11 PM

How do you like your rice?
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06-10-2010, 07:25 PM

Plain rice is boring and just thinking of furikake makes me sick, so I'm going to say with soy sauce. If I feel like portraying the stereotype of a gluttonous American, I'll go all out with the chicken stir-fried rice.

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(#3 (permalink))
Tturtle (Offline)
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06-10-2010, 07:37 PM

i said other because i like brown rice

Has anyone checked the coring room?
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(#4 (permalink))
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06-10-2010, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
How do you like your rice?
I usually like my rice with wasabi and some soy sauce with some meat stirred in. Usually pork. I love pork

As you can assume, I chose "other"...XD


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06-10-2010, 08:14 PM

Mostly with soy sauce
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06-10-2010, 08:27 PM

I quite like white rice but since my grandmother is organic, I eat brown rice as well. I dislike Shoyu and I CAN'T BELEIVE I DIDN'T SEE THE FURIKAKE ONE! Furikake and Natto = Delicious!
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(#7 (permalink))
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06-10-2010, 09:05 PM

Eeeeeeery one in Hawaii eats brown rice.

Plain please.

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06-10-2010, 10:12 PM

i put lots of soy sauce ~.~
i need to stop doing that seriously....
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(#9 (permalink))
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06-11-2010, 12:20 AM

I usually put an umeboshi on it when I eat it (especially in the morning). It's good plain, too. I also like it with tsukemono.

I'm surprised though, this being "japan forum" and all... does anyone crack a raw egg on their rice? I've heard that a lot of people do that around here (and it's not bad if you've got good eggs). I do that sometimes when I get eggs from the local chicken farm people in the mountains nearby.

Pretty much anything goes good with the rice I eat-- I can't complain, I got 30kg from my girlfriend's parents.

I've always heard that putting straight soy-sauce on your rice is weird (from Japanese/Japanese Americans). I used to eat it that way when I was a kid, but I think I grew out of it somehow. When I told my girlfriend that my bro drenches his rice with soy sauce she tried it herself and actually kinda liked it, but said it reminded her of "poor people", or the "olden days" (of world war 2).

That brings up something interesting... I have a theory that putting soy sauce on rice might've come from Japan during the occupation as there were plenty of Americans there and it was a relaively poor (monitarily speaking) point in Japan's history. If that's the case, then the idea of putting straight soy sauce on rice like that came from Japan, and now Japanese people look at Americans for being weird for doing that (not that too many Japanese people know that Americans do that or anything).

Does anyone have any info on that? I thought it was an interesting idea.
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06-11-2010, 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
That brings up something interesting... I have a theory that putting soy sauce on rice might've come from Japan during the occupation as there were plenty of Americans there and it was a relaively poor (monitarily speaking) point in Japan's history. If that's the case, then the idea of putting straight soy sauce on rice like that came from Japan, and now Japanese people look at Americans for being weird for doing that (not that too many Japanese people know that Americans do that or anything).

Does anyone have any info on that? I thought it was an interesting idea.
An interesting idea... But unfortunately at that point in time rice was the gourmet bit of the meal. Most people were eating other grains (if grains at all...), and white rice was quite expensive. Wheat okayu was apparently the most common of the grain foods, and if there was rice it was also boiled down into okayu and mixed with any vegetables available. But in general, types of root vegetables (potatoes, satoimo, etc) were the main staple.
Soy sauce on a bowl of rice would have been a pretty fancy meal, and wasteful to say the least. Now it would feel "poor", but that`s because rice is the current staple. The production before and during the war was almost entirely consumed by the government - being used as food for higher ups and in part for the army.
White rice being eaten by the "normal" people is actually a very recent thing. After the war, in the 50s I believe, there was a huge movement to grow rice and make it the regular staple food. People jumped over to rice from other grains because it had been such a special food, and because they really hadn`t been able to eat it before. Just one of the ways that people were made more equal.
To the people who lived through it, imo and wheat okayu is THE food of the war/after war period of poverty. This is part of the reason it has virtually disappeared... After spending years of eating only that, people avoided making it at all if possible.

When it comes to soy sauce on rice - my guess isn`t that it came from Japan at all, but rather from China or from Chinese restaurants in the US.

As for how I eat my rice... Erm, it depends on what I`m eating with the rice. It is part of pretty much every meal, so hard to think of as something alone.

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