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(#31 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
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09-09-2010, 02:00 AM

Wow! I guess there are a lot of differences between different races. Since I came to Japan I've come to understand a few of these differences, which I think helps to understand where people are coming from. I think you've helped me out by teaching me about that.

It could be the reliance of cars and the good food in this area, but I have noticed a lot of semi to completely overweight people around here. What you said makes me think about the future around here.

The weight thing was such a shocker for me! I used to eat some rice in America, but I suppose not as much as now. It's funny because one of my coworkers mentioned what you said about rice to me the other day almost word for word. I remember I started drinking more sake than beer for a while in hopes of seeing that make a difference... it ended up having adverse affects . I think another thing, which is a bit ironic, is that I think I eat more bread in Japan than I did in America. It could be those extra carbohyrdates just doing their job on me I suppose. When I came to Japan I was around 130lbs! At my fattest, I was at 160... which was in like a little more than half a year. I don't particularly think 130 is healthy either though so at first the weight gain was welcome, until one day I got curious and converted the kilograms on my scale to pounds!

About the egg yolk and garlic thing... that really does sound gnarly. I'm not so certain I'd be able to drink that down. I'd imagine making some kind of soup out of it and putting some udon in there might be a way to get it down though. Is it some kind of secret recipe or do you know the ingredients? There's no way I'm gonna pay 6000 a month for something like that. If I were to get something like that, I'd just go for regular garlic pills, which I'm assuming are cheaper... but I've never looked at their price in Japan before.

Another thing I've started doing-- although I admit I slacked off yesterday and this morning, is the Rajio Taiso on NHK at 6:25AM. My wife and I usually crack up at each other because we're always really groggy and... shoboi while doing it. About 20 minutes after I'm done though I usually feel quite awake and ready for the day. I notice it has taken some stress away too. I guess it just depends on the person, but I think doing that kind of stuff every morning has some benefits.

I've also read that drinking green tea before bed helps increase your metabolism while you sleep or something like that... I've drank it before bed and felt fine, but could that be the effects of caffeine? When I read that I was a little confused. Do you know anything about that? Also, are there anythings you've changed in your routine to help you feel better during the day?
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(#32 (permalink))
Qayin (Offline)
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09-09-2010, 07:08 AM

Asian people tend to have more carbohydrate/staple food. Beware of it.

Carbohydrate = Energy = kcal = obesity

Consume more protein and less carbohydrate. (but not so much that make you fat you know, protein can be converted to fat like carbohydrate too)
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(#33 (permalink))
Qayin (Offline)
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09-09-2010, 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Aside from water, Pocari Sweat also contains electrolyte minerals such as, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium. These electrolytes are lost by the body during perspiration. It is not enough to drink water alone because these electrolytes should be replenished to prevent spontaneous dehydration.

Welcome to Pocari Sweat Website

Why are these bad for children?
sorry to make another post.

But you know, I don't said that it's whether good or bad for health, but electrolyte level is a bit critical in body functioning. I know that electrolyte's level in soft drink like Pocari Sweat is not that much like a medical nutrient.


Consider her small body weight (she is a small child right?) when children consume A LOT it means she got more concentration of the drink in her body than that of the adult right? And consider what the other said about there are not much clinical research of this in small children, It makes me a bit concerned.

I don't know whether it's good or bad either, but in case it's bad it could bring more harm to the children more than the adult.
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(#34 (permalink))
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09-09-2010, 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by Qayin View Post
sorry to make another post.

But you know, I don't said that it's whether good or bad for health, but electrolyte level is a bit critical in body functioning. I know that electrolyte's level in soft drink like Pocari Sweat is not that much like a medical nutrient.


Consider her small body weight (she is a small child right?) when children consume A LOT it means she got more concentration of the drink in her body than that of the adult right? And consider what the other said about there are not much clinical research of this in small children, It makes me a bit concerned.

I don't know whether it's good or bad either, but in case it's bad it could bring more harm to the children more than the adult.
I don't think they said she should drink gallons of it. Of course, anything in excess can be bad for you... even water.
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(#35 (permalink))
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09-10-2010, 09:19 PM

The guidance I once got from my doctor regarding "sports drinks" (which I don't like and don't drink) was to drink them if (1) you are sweating to the point that your clothes are soaked, or (2) if your are ill in a manner that inhibits intake of food and drink (vomiting, diarrhea, high fever).

Both of those indicate that your body is using fluid at a rate higher than it can be replenished so you need two things....water and salt (potassium or sodium). The salt in either form is to replace the salt that is being washed out of the system to maintain the salinity of the fluid in the body (blood, etc.).

As for what was done before the days of these specialized formulations - salt tablets. Before that you rested during hot weather and made sure you drank water and most food was salted to preserve it, so you got the salt from the food.

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(#36 (permalink))
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chiuchimu (Offline)
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09-11-2010, 02:51 AM

I don't like the taste of Pokari Sweat. Gatorade taste better.

Actually, people don't need sports drinks. Plain water is best.
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(#37 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post
I don't like the taste of Pokari Sweat. Gatorade taste better.

Actually, people don't need sports drinks. Plain water is best.
Some doctors in Japan recommended that during the heat wave this summer Pocari Sweat could be better for you than water.
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(#38 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Some doctors in Japan recommended that during the heat wave this summer Pocari Sweat could be better for you than water.

Yeah? Maybe for the sodium.

My favorite drink on a HOT summer day is mugicha.

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(#39 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
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09-11-2010, 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
As for what was done before the days of these specialized formulations - salt tablets. Before that you rested during hot weather and made sure you drank water and most food was salted to preserve it, so you got the salt from the food.
Thanks for your response. I kind of figured that was the case... although I do find it hard to believe that Japanese people would've rest every single day during the heat wave that happened recently if it were to have occured 100+ years ago. The thing I've been noticing is that there seems to be this feeling of you have to "gaman" the weather / "children are so weak these days" style of thinking as far as Japanese teachers are concerned. I think stuff like that is easier to say when you have an airconditioned room to go back to in the middle and the end of the day. I wonder how conditions were 30-50 years ago for that matter... how much "gaman" was going on back then and how much cooler can the weather have been (as most people in Japan seem to believe in global warming). I'm very interested in this... if anyone knows or has experience I'd love to hear about it.
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(#40 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by dirtyroboto View Post

Also you should see the case of the kids who drunk so much "sunny d" they turned yellow.
BBC News | WALES | Soft drink turned toddler 'yellow'
Sorry to be a little off topic but oh my gosh! My mother would NOT let me touch Sunny D and it was really really popular back when I was a kid, I always felt so left out! Haha.

I've never tried Pocari Sweat but it sounds... sweaty haha. The name puts me off!
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