Please, help me to translate this -
12-06-2007, 02:19 AM
Hi, friends!
I'm translating an anime's page and got troubles here:
何度となく,終了!の噂が流れた「BERSERK」も立派に成長し ました。
[I didn't understand if it talks the serie was just a rumour or if it talks there were several rumours about serie's cancellation.]
Castleの奥深くそびえるGigant HillのBudha神殿とそこに至る道程。
[I didn't understand if the Budha's temple from Gigant Hill is above or under the Castle]
[what's ultraright wing? the company's bosses?}
_It´s so nice have a place for to sort out our doubts.
Thank you, friends!