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04-08-2008, 12:29 PM
Ohayou gozaimasu. Good morning. Konnichi ha. (this ha is pronounced wa) Good afternoon. Konban ha. (this ha is pronounced wa) Good evening. O yasumi nasai Good night. Sumimasen Excuse me. Gomen nasai Sorry. Daijoubu OK. Hajimemashite Nice to meet you (upon meeting someone new). <Name> to mooshimasu. I am called <name>. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. “Kindly favour me” (there’s no one translation for this but it’s used all the time). Moshi moshi Hello (on the phone) O hisashiburi desu Long time no see! O genki desu ka. How are you? O kage sama de Very well, thanks to you. (Polite reply to the above) O daiji ni Take care of yourself. (Said to sick people) O tsukare sama deshita. Thank you for working hard (used as people finish work/any activity). O saki ni, shitsurei shimasu. Apologies for leaving first (used when you leave work/school before your colleagues). Itadakimasu. I (humbly) receive (said before eating). Gochiso sama deshita. That was delicious (said after eating to cook/restaurant staff). Domo arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you very much. Dou itashimashite You’re welcome. Kochira koso. It’s the other way around (used to express things like “It’s me who should be thanking you”. O sewa ni narimashita You took good care of me. Itte kimasu I will go and come back. Itte rashai. Go and come back (paired with itte kimasu). Tadaima. I’m home. O kaeri. Welcome home (paired with tadaima). O jama shimasu. (Literally) I bother you (said on entering someone’s house.) Irrashaimase! Welcome! (Shop staff will generally chorus this at their customers every minute or so) Nan-mei sama desu ka. How many people in your party? (Staff will ask you this when you enter a restaurant, well, either this or tell you to get lost :-) Kochira de o meshi agari desu ka. Would you like to eat in? O mochi kaeri desu ka. Would you like that to take-away? Shosho o machi kudasai. Please wait a moment. (Shop staff will say this while they make your coffee or whatever) O matase shimashita Sorry to have kept you waiting. Go chuumon ha o kimari deshou ka. Are you ready to order? O azukari shimasu. I take your money. (Shop staff will say this when you pay for something) Dozo goran kudasai. Please look around. (Announcement in department stores) Omedetou gozaimasu! Congratulations! O tanjyoubi omedetou! Happy birthday! Akemashite omedetou! (Akeome!) Happy new year! Kanpai! Cheers! (Said before drinking) Ganbatte! Do your best! Sugoi! Terrific! Oishii!/Umai! Delicious! Abunai! Danger! Chigau. Polite way to say, “That’s wrong.” |
04-09-2008, 07:34 AM
You are correct! Thanks!
Polite would of course be chigaimasu. |
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