Originally Posted by MissMisa
Well, essentially that's what I meant, I should have been more clear about it.
It seems the best method for me would to try and get tutored lessons, and through the week come home and revise from textbooks and notes. There is no-one I can talk to in Japanese so I can't really practice because my mum would think I'm a loon talking to myself  None of my friends are particularly interested in it so I can't converse with them. So a class would be a good option and probably the only way I'm going to learn properly. So far on the internet I've only learnt a mish mash of random stuff and I want a structure to my learning. At some point I also hope to visit Japan on a holiday so that would give me an opportunity to practice.
Thankyou everyone for your responses it is very helpful to see the methods people find useful!
I've found self-study doesn't really work for me. I can quit too easily and need motivation. I kind of had to study it when I was in Osaka though.
Like you, I don't have anyone I can converse with in Japanese since I'm the only one in my group of friends that can be bothered to learn another language.
Which is why I'm going to enroll myself into Japanese class once I can afford it again.