Originally Posted by MMM
目が堅い is a phrase that can be found in dictionaries, but it seems have faded from use in most of Japan. I have asked several people over the last couple weeks if they had used this term (meaning a night owl) and only those from the Kansai area were using it it. People from Kanto and north had never heard it before.
"raw edginess"--don't we lose the "youthful" aspect? I like "raw edginess" as a phrase, though.
Yes, I know about the regional differences. My mother is a born Nagoyan and I grew up hearing her say 目が堅い about my sister all the time. Nagoya isn't considered as part of Kansai but it certainly has lots of Kansai influence as it's only 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Kyoto. Now I live in Tokyo and as you said, I don't think I've heard the expression in Tokyo.
About the word 若い in 若い鋭利さ, I first opted for 'immature' and then changed it to 'raw' just because it sounded better in my own ear. You have to translate the かつてのような part anyway, which would enable the reader to know what time frame in this person's life this "edginess" represented.
But then what do I know? I'm just a regular Japanese guy walking down the street!