Originally Posted by jrocka83
Nice to meat you, What is your name?
Sumimasen, Hoteru de sekusu ikimasuka?
Lets shake hands.
Chin-chin, nami nami.
How old are you?
Genki ni nateru.

No real need to be giving complete rubbish replies sir.
Asking their name really depends on the situation. If yu are just meeting them, you shouldn't have to ask as you will introduce yourself to each other. If you forgot, simply state so as politely as possible:
すみません、お名前を忘れました。 (sumimasen, oname o wasuremashita)
"I'm sorry, I forgot your name."
If you're pointing someone out from afar or in a picture:
あの(この)方(人)は誰ですか? (ano[kono] kata[hito] wa dare desu ka?)
"Who is that(this) person?" *kata is more polite than hito
[X]さんは何歳ですか? (X-san wa nan sai desu ka?)
"How old are you X?"
The "as such" part, I really don't know what more you're looking for.