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(#171 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-23-2011, 05:51 AM

I was in Chicago a couple weeks ago. There's a good Japanese bookstore there. I bought, among other things, a copy of なにげにてごわい日本語. It's the second volume in a series about Japanese grammar written for a target audience of Japanese natives. But I've found this book helpful. (the other book is 日本語てにをはルール, which I've yet to acquire)

A quick look at sample chapter titles:

Here's an excerpt from the first chapter:

生徒:先週末に博物館に行ったら「美術品【を】触らな いでください」って書いてありました。でも、前に行っ た別の博物館では「美術品【に】触らないでください」 って書いてあったんです。この2つは、どう違うんでし ょう?
教師:うん、「触る」の前の「を」と「に」の違いだね 。どう違うのか分かるかな?
The book goes on to explain that, in this situation, the を is more direct, while the に is a softer expression and less direct. It talks about nuances and gives other examples.

The next chapter talks about に vs と in certain constructions, using the nuanced differences between 〜さんに会う and 〜さんと会う as an illustration.

It's pretty awesome.
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(#172 (permalink))
symphonyAdam (Offline)
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Hiragana Scholar out now for Android! - 12-01-2011, 05:45 PM

Some great resources being posted for people learning Japanese! I notice there have been some iOS apps posted, well if you are an Android tablet or phone (large screen) owner, we have just released an app for you.

In Hiragana Scholar the characters have been divided into manageable lessons that you can study at your own pace. Each lesson includes interactive animations that break down the process of writing each character, perfect if you are beginner!

Hiragana Scholar Features:
* 6 lessons with interactive animations
* High-quality audio recording for every Hiragana character
* Flash Card game with 3 difficulty settings
* Match-up game with 3 difficulty settings
* Soundboard of all pronunciation audio
* Ability to download audio onto your computer or MP3 player
* Support for Honeycomb Tablets and large screen phones

You can find the app on the Android Market here:
Full Version: https://market.android.com/details?i...iraganaScholar
Lite Version: https://market.android.com/details?i...anaScholarLite
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(#173 (permalink))
HMS (Offline)
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Smile 12-06-2011, 07:06 AM

some info about a new site: (のうべん-和英辞典 Japanese English Dictionary)
Nouben is a site intended for those who would like to learn Japanese and improve their Japanese language skills. Based on the principle of give and take, users are expected to help other members in order to receive help. Each member will be credited for any participation including adding examples or words, suggesting kanji mnemonics, answering questions, etc.

Nouben also features a built-in dictionary which is filled with data gleaned from Jim Breen's wwwjdic project and other free resources such as Tatoeba Tatoeba: Collecting example sentences Additionally, we have extended these materials and added new features to provide an experience which is not available anywhere else on the internet!

Most common words in Japanese

Quizzes here

Lists of kanji (grades, JLPT N1 - N5) here

Printable edtions of the above lists: here

I hope you enjoy it
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(#174 (permalink))
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Mosunshine (Offline)
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01-30-2012, 08:18 AM

Hi for Reading and Listening Practice, please see this blog
You can read the Kanji with and without Furigana.
And Watch a YouTube Video to listen to the blog being read out loud.

For speaking practice please see JOI
( JOI - Learn Japanese Online )
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(#175 (permalink))
xsam (Offline)
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Kanji Quizzes - 03-17-2012, 04:09 PM

Here are some free kanji quizzes:

Japanese Kanji Quizzes - 日本語英語クイズ

There are over 1500 multiple choice questions in 11 quizzes on...

*common kanji
*technical terms
*kanji for names
*newspaper kanji

There is also another section with quizzes on kanji phrases:

Japanese Kanji Phrase Quizzes - 日本語英語フレーズクイズ

*simple phrases
*time phrases
*phrases about the days of the week

With a bit of practice you can score 90/100 in just 15 minutes...
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(#176 (permalink))
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scjkayoubi (Offline)
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02-19-2017, 08:05 AM

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(#177 (permalink))
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scjkayoubi (Offline)
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05-13-2017, 02:20 AM

kyouiku kanji list 1006 kanji with termz printable

26 page plus on kun decifer eazy print to

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(#178 (permalink))
kizoku (Offline)
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Post Learning japanese language - 07-31-2017, 11:10 AM

Japanese language is learn easy by this threads because there is all the possible resources are available here through which any one can learn japanese language easily.

Now learn japanese language in india also Learn Japanese Language In Delhi, Japanese Language Learning
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(#179 (permalink))
tdondich (Offline)
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Can I introduce Nihongo Master? - 09-19-2017, 12:40 AM

Hey all! I'm also a student of Japanese. When I traveled to Japan, I returned home and wanted to continue my studies. I'm a software engineer so I started making a site and now a lot of other students use the site. Thankfully, I have a native Japanese instructor who writes out the lessons.

It's amazing, because quite a few people have passed their JLPT exams using my tool so I'm pretty happy with it.

It's Nihongo Master where you can learn japanese online. There's lessons, tools and a pretty solid community as well.

What's really useful is the study lists I've created and other members. So for example, there's the Joyo Kanji List. So if you learn every kanji on there, you're going to have an easy time inferring the meaning of current written publications in Japan.

There's quite a few other resources on the site too including a chat where you can practice writing your Japanese with others.

Disclaimer: There's a good deal of stuff that's available for free right when you sign on. But I need to keep the server hamsters fed so access to some of the more advanced lessons are for paying people. However, there's plenty to get started to see if learning Japanese is really for you or not.
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(#180 (permalink))
hana0v0 (Offline)
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Smile 10-31-2017, 04:30 PM

I recommend this app:


nice app, works offline with pronunciation.
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