Originally Posted by darksyndrem
Ok, sorry I have yet to "learn" all of these Kanji, but I have "become familiar" with them and can remember them. I still review most of these Kanji every day (I say most because sometimes the SRS doesn't show me certain Kanji) So I would say long term memory of these Kanji is well on it's way? But I was wondering if going by this schedule thing would help even further.
Sorry if I sound like a jerk, not trying to be or anything.
No one said you were a jerk...but learning the meaning, context and readings of more than a handful of kanji a day is very difficult, even in your language skills in Japanese are very high and you have a high vocabulary before learning the kanji.
I am sure some people can do it, and I am not saying you aren't one of them, but it is a tough course.
I was talking about this very topic with a friend tonight and how although INFORMATION is instantaneous on the Internet, that doesn't mean KNOWLEDGE is.