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(#21 (permalink))
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alanX (Offline)
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04-18-2009, 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
I like people like you. First say stupid things, then instead of admitting they are wrong they start attacking others.
1_ I am sorry you don't understand my English, but unless you can speak other 2 languages at the same level I speak English as I do (not my native language), just shut up.
2_I really would love to see you speaking to a 10 year old Japanese kid. I don't know where you live, but where I come from 10 year old kids have quite a large vocabulary...and I am sure in Japan too. An adult would try to help you by using easier words and speaking slowly, a kid would just speak as he does normally, which I seriously doubt you would understand.
3_If you didn't want to prove wrong someone who knows more than you the subject, then don't keep answering back trying to keep your position. Admit you are wrong and go on.
4_Dear Ed, I don't understand why attacking my instructor since I have never mentioned it, unless it was just venting your stress due to the fact you didn't know what else to say. I was merely telling you that I have seen hand written kanji and they do look pretty different from the ones you see on computer. I don't understand how you can state that you can read the easy kanji written by whoever when you have never seen hand written kanji before.
5_If you highlighted "dojo" to show it was an error, well it was not. I write many Japanese words that are commonly used in English in the western style. Except the fact that I hate romaji, I would love to see everyone start writing Toukyou in this forum. If I wanted to write dojo the correct way I would have written どうじょう or 道場 since (maybe wrong) but I do not consider romaji an alternative way to writing Japanese words.
1. I'm not going to acknowledge any of this (because you're not worth my time) until you rewrite this entire post in Japanese, then you can bash someone's Japanese level that you've never even heard.

Good day.

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(#22 (permalink))
kirakira (Offline)
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04-19-2009, 10:08 AM

This one is for your alanX.

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
I like people like you. First say stupid things, then instead of admitting they are wrong they start attacking others.
1_ I am sorry you don't understand my English, but unless you can speak other 2 languages at the same level I speak English as I do (not my native language), just shut up.
君みたいなやつが好きだ。まずは馬鹿な発言をしてて、 自分の間違いを認める代わりに、他の人を責め始める。
1.おれの英語が理解できないのは残念だ。でももう二 つの言語がおれの英語みたいに話せないなら(おれの母 国語は英語じゃない)、黙ってくれ。
本当に見たいんだよ。そっち、どこに住んでるか知らん けど、
大人だったら、できるだけわかりやすいように、易しい 言葉を選んだり、
そんなことを一切しない。だから、君にとって絶対理解 できるわけがない。

I'm too tired to translate the rest.. but answer the first two .

Last edited by kirakira : 04-19-2009 at 02:00 PM.
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(#23 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
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04-20-2009, 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
This one is for your alanX.

君みたいなやつが好きだ。まずは馬鹿な発言をしてて、 自分の間違いを認める代わりに、他の人を責め始める。
1.おれの英語が理解できないのは残念だ。でももう二 つの言語がおれの英語みたいに話せないなら(おれの母 国語は英語じゃない)、黙ってくれ。
本当に見たいんだよ。そっち、どこに住んでるか知らん けど、
大人だったら、できるだけわかりやすいように、易しい 言葉を選んだり、
そんなことを一切しない。だから、君にとって絶対理解 できるわけがない。

I'm too tired to translate the rest.. but answer the first two .
Wow thank you very much. You can't even imagine how that little translation taught me many new things
LOL even tho I have the translation I am still trying to figure out how to get to the form できるだけわかりやすいように...I guess too advanced for me

To Alan: ところで。日本語を話せるといったのがあるの。もしあ ったら、すまない。
(As you can tell I don't hee hee).

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ

Last edited by chryuop : 04-20-2009 at 12:46 PM.
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(#24 (permalink))
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freel4ncer (Offline)
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04-21-2009, 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Wow thank you very much. You can't even imagine how that little translation taught me many new things
LOL even tho I have the translation I am still trying to figure out how to get to the form できるだけわかりやすいように...I guess too advanced for me

To Alan: ところで。日本語を話せるといったのがあるの。もしあ ったら、すまない。
(As you can tell I don't hee hee).

できるだけ as much as possible
わかりやすい split it into to as わかる やすい which is a way of saying easy to understand
ように to do it that way.

so, as much as possible you'll want to make it easy to understand.

something along those lines. im not native japanese, so i also get that trouble when i see those phrases. so i'll break them up and it becomes much easier (:

haha, the whole back and forth about kanji was hilarious. as a kanji user, second language mandarin, third language japanese, i can say that stroke order is everything. there are reasons why millennial old languages have certain rules and methods for doing everything, and that includes the stroke order.
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(#25 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
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04-21-2009, 09:58 PM

Thank you. I would have never thought the phrase in that way. An adjective coming after and that だけ which in my head was meaning "only". Now it makes much more sense thanks.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
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