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coltostallion (Offline)
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07-19-2011, 06:50 AM

This time I'm trying to figure out the meaning of ”どこから声出してんだオマエ解剖するぞ”. What I think it should mean doesn't make any sense in the context it's used...
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07-19-2011, 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by coltostallion View Post
This time I'm trying to figure out the meaning of ”どこから声出してんだオマエ解剖するぞ”. What I think it should mean doesn't make any sense in the context it's used...
You are reading pretty advanced stuff.

「どこから声出してんだ」 is almost a set phrase used when someone is speaking in a funny voice that does not sound like it is being produced through his mouth. = "Where are you letting out your voice from?"

「オマエ解剖するぞ」 = "I'm gonna dissect you (to find out where that funny voice is coming from)"

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coltostallion (Offline)
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07-19-2011, 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
You are reading pretty advanced stuff.

「どこから声出してんだ」 is almost a set phrase used when someone is speaking in a funny voice that does not sound like it is being produced through his mouth. = "Where are you letting out your voice from?"

「オマエ解剖するぞ」 = "I'm gonna dissect you (to find out where that funny voice is coming from)"
Thanks so much! It's just an interesting manga I saw in BookOff XD
jesselt (Offline)
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07-19-2011, 10:02 PM

Would anyone be kind enough to elaborate the differences between 広まる、広がる、広げる、and 広める?

I've looked them up on Space Alc, but I was hoping for more of an explanation...

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masaegu (Offline)
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07-20-2011, 01:33 AM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
Would anyone be kind enough to elaborate the differences between 広まる、広がる、広げる、and 広める?

I've looked them up on Space Alc, but I was hoping for more of an explanation...

First, let us divide the verbs into two groups of the same meaning but different verb types. This will be of great importance.

Group 1
広まる (intrans.) Something spreads by itself.
広める (trans.) Someone spreads something.

Group 2
広がる (intrans.)
広げる (trans.)

Now that the grouping is done, let us examine the meanings and usages.

Group 1: Used mostly to speak about man-made phenomena
Group 2: Used mostly to speak about natural phenomena.

Things that can 「広まる」and things one can 「広める」:
Education, knowledge, power, religion, etc.

Things that can 「広がる」and things one can 「広げる」:
River width, pollution, forest fire, flood, etc.

Exceptions: "Rumors and reputations" take all four forms as they spread both naturally and by human effort.

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jesselt (Offline)
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07-20-2011, 01:48 AM

Thanks so much Masaegu! I figured there had to be some difference between them based on what was spreading, but no where I've seen has mentioned the nature/man made thing.
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07-20-2011, 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
1. Correct. In that context, it just means "to appear in front of an audience and do one's usual performance."

2. Here, it means "accompanied by a wild beauty".

In a more "normal" sentence structure, you would have said 「~~な美女をお供にして猛獣狩りをするのが夢だった 。」

3. Exactly. "doing something accompanied by (a person)"
Many thanks again for the clear explanation, masaegu

I have one question for today.

I know 方 is a basic grammar point, and I'm very familiar with it. However, it's still better to ask again to be completely sure.

When の方 is used, there is always an implied comparison between one thing/person to another, and it emphasizes that there is more to the thing/person being talked about than others, right? And if we remove の方 from the line above, its meaning will change, correct?
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masaegu (Offline)
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07-20-2011, 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
I know 方 is a basic grammar point, and I'm very familiar with it. However, it's still better to ask again to be completely sure.

When の方 is used, there is always an implied comparison between one thing/person to another, and it emphasizes that there is more to the thing/person being talked about than others, right? And if we remove の方 from the line above, its meaning will change, correct?
I can tell you have been studying your butt off. What you stated is 100% correct. With 「~~の方」, the sentence would imply that both the speaker and Mizuho 甘えている to each other but the speaker does so to a greater extent than Mizuho does. Without it, it would imply that the speaker is 甘えている in a one-sided manner.

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kilikina (Offline)
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Little translation - 07-20-2011, 07:34 PM

I've found this medal

I don't know if it's japanese or chinese.
If it's japanese could you translate for me please?

Thank you Merci

Last edited by kilikina : 07-20-2011 at 07:40 PM. Reason: my cat has waked on my keyboard and hit the enter key
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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07-20-2011, 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by kilikina View Post
I've found this medal

I don't know if it's japanese or chinese.
If it's japanese could you translate for me please?

Thank you Merci
It says 福禄寿, "Fukurokuju." One of the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan: Fukurokuju - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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