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masaegu (Offline)
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08-27-2011, 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by hyperweirdness View Post
quick question.. just wondering what the - is.
for example ヘEメ―ルを

any help will be great thanks.
It is a symbol indicating that the preceding syllable (the 「メ」 in this case) is elongated in pronunciation.

This is important because the wrong usage will change the meaning of the word entirely:

ビル = building
ビール = beer

レザー = leather
レーザー = laser

メル = Mel (as in "Mel Gibson")
メール = email

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Last edited by masaegu : 08-27-2011 at 06:32 AM.
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hyperweirdness (Offline)
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08-27-2011, 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
It is a symbol indicating that the preceding syllable (the 「メ」 in this case) is elongated in pronunciation.
thank you very much.
Rahoel (Offline)
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08-27-2011, 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
It says "Slow Down".
Thanks, now we know it was warning us, and when we didn't listen it did it on its own.

Last edited by Rahoel : 08-27-2011 at 09:34 AM.
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08-27-2011, 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Not to confuse you, but the particle 「も」 can also be placed in the middle of the verb phrases we just discussed.

Suppose you have a gross-looking pie in front of you and you already dislike it even before taking a bite. But you decided to give it a try anyway. You may say afterwards:


Don't worry about confusing me with simple grammar points; I'm at a level now where a new grammar point given to me isn't confusing. It's when I encounter new stuff in the wild and Google isn't helping to solve the problem (i.e., the usual search for "CONFUSING_THING 文法 説明" doesn't reveal useful information). I tried to google ては(みる) 文法 and the searches didn't turn up real grammar help. Just examples.

Does も place even more of an emphasis on the preceding verb than は? Maybe that's the wrong way of describing the difference, but it's my first attempt at integrating 〜てもみる into my knowledge.
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masaegu (Offline)
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08-27-2011, 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Does も place even more of an emphasis on the preceding verb than は? Maybe that's the wrong way of describing the difference, but it's my first attempt at integrating 〜てもみる into my knowledge.
No, it only places the same amount of emphasis. By using 「も」, you are describing the second or third action that you took after the first action.

As in my example, you kinda already disliked the pie from its look but you went ahead and ate it before arriving at your final decision that it did not taste good. You are saying "I not only looked (action #1) but also ate it (action #2)."

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Translator - 08-27-2011, 03:00 PM

Hi, would anyone who is fairly fluent in Japanese be interested in translating? We like to do older tokusatsu shows, but recently are interested in doing some other things as well, such as Xenos, Eko Eko Azarak series, Devil Shadow and other things. We are laid back and don't demand anything like setting time limits etc. We all just do this as a hobby, whenever our own personal times will allow. You can check out some of our stuff here : • Index page Thanks. Hope to hear from someone.
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08-30-2011, 11:04 AM

What is the best way to translate Japanese into English?
I don't think Google Translation is helpful at all and doesn't translate in the right meaning.

Here take a look at this picture taken from a game...
I extracted the text from the picture, so can you please check if my letters are of the same in the picture.

キミこそ ユダヤのよげんにある
まかいから あくまを よびだし

The Google Translation was:-
In fact what I have Jewish Kimi
Call or write the devil from
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masaegu (Offline)
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08-30-2011, 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by AmgedIsmail View Post
What is the best way to translate Japanese into English?
Simple. Study your butt off.

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08-30-2011, 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by AmgedIsmail View Post
What is the best way to translate Japanese into English?
I don't think Google Translation is helpful at all and doesn't translate in the right meaning.

Here take a look at this picture taken from a game...
I extracted the text from the picture, so can you please check if my letters are of the same in the picture.

キミこそ ユダヤのよげんにある
まかいから あくまを よびだし

The Google Translation was:-
In fact what I have Jewish Kimi
Call or write the devil from
Your transcription is correct. And as for the best way to translate, everyone has their own best way. You'll have to develop yours for yourself. As an illustration, I tend to read a sentence, understand it in my head, and then put it into literal English. Later, I reconsider how to make it flow better. (This is, of course, for literary translation.)

MMM is a professional translator. He has better opinions on this than I, most likely.
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08-30-2011, 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by AmgedIsmail View Post
What is the best way to translate Japanese into English?
I don't think Google Translation is helpful at all and doesn't translate in the right meaning.

Here take a look at this picture taken from a game...
I extracted the text from the picture, so can you please check if my letters are of the same in the picture.

キミこそ ユダヤのよげんにある
まかいから あくまを よびだし
"You summon the devil from the devildom of the Jewish Prophecy."

The Google Translation was:-
In fact what I have Jewish KimiCall or write the devil from
Forget Google Translate! What's the use of it if it cannot even recognize the simplest word 「キミ = you」??

Just study Japanese and you will be better than Google in a few years.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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