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09-16-2011, 04:16 AM

Ah, thanks! I was not aware that 「飲もう」 meant "let us drink". Thank you again.
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09-16-2011, 04:21 AM

Sorry, I'm in need of a bit of help today. In a manga I'm reading, two friends are talking and their exchange goes as follows:

Girl 1: 彼氏ほしいい!!

Girl 2: なに急に

Girl 1: クリスマス来るじゃん!!

Girl 2: もうちょい先じゃん?

Girl 1: いやっ そろそろ用意しとかないと

I understand everything except the last part. What is she saying exactly? My best guess would be that she's saying that if she doesn't make preparations/plans soon for Christmas she won't be able to have a good time [on Christmas], but I'm sure that's most likely wrong...

Thank you very much in advance.
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09-16-2011, 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by KellyMD View Post
Sorry, I'm in need of a bit of help today. In a manga I'm reading, two friends are talking and their exchange goes as follows:

Girl 1: 彼氏ほしいい!!

Girl 2: なに急に

Girl 1: クリスマス来るじゃん!!

Girl 2: もうちょい先じゃん?

Girl 1: いやっ そろそろ用意しとかないと

I understand everything except the last part. What is she saying exactly? My best guess would be that she's saying that if she doesn't make preparations/plans soon for Christmas she won't be able to have a good time [on Christmas], but I'm sure that's most likely wrong...

Thank you very much in advance.
You went too "textbook" on what is a live and a bit whore-like colloquial convo. 「用意する」here does not mean "to make preparations". It means "to make available for oneself" or "to find (for one's use)". It is talking about getting a BF as if it were a prop.

"Nah. Gotta get me a dude soon or else (this Christmas) won't be a blast."


Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.

Last edited by masaegu : 09-16-2011 at 04:56 AM.
banksy (Offline)
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Tractor Help - 09-16-2011, 08:48 AM

Hello, I have recently bought a small Japanese tractor and need help with Japanese translation! I think the lever labeled "3" is to select 2/4 wheel drive? What do the symbols next to the lever mean?
Many thanks for your kind assistance.

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09-16-2011, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by banksy View Post
Hello, I have recently bought a small Japanese tractor and need help with Japanese translation! I think the lever labeled "3" is to select 2/4 wheel drive? What do the symbols next to the lever mean?
Many thanks for your kind assistance.

Do you realize this is all upside-down? Should be clear from the part on far left where it says 1, 2, 3 and R.

Answer to your question: ON and OFF. In the pic, the lever is set on ON. What is it about, I have no idea.

Larger and clearer pic, preferrably not upside-down might help.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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Check my essay please? - 09-16-2011, 08:59 AM

I have an essay due tomorrow and I wanted to see if someone could read over it and make sure it makes sense. Thank you in advance.

私のしゅみはビデオゲームをすることです。一週間に五 回ぐらいビデオゲームをします。 しゅみもコンピューターをすることです。一日に二時間 コンピューターを使います。 一か月に二回映画を見に行きます。

ピアノならひけますが、ギターはひけません。一週間に 三回ぐらいピアノをひきます。車ならうんてんできます が、バイクはうんてんできません。テニスならできます が、やきゅうをできません。歌を歌えます。それから、 おどれます。たのしいし、おもしろいし、日本語のクラ スをとります。

たのしそうだから、いつかサーフィンをしてみたいです 。いつか日本に行ってみたいです。インドでぞうにのっ てみたいです。アフリカでライオンを見てみたいです。

友だちといっしょに買い物をするのが好きです。それか ら、アニメを見るのが好きです。テレビを見るのが好き です。それから、ビデオを見るのが好きです。手紙を書 くのが好きですが、レポートを書くのがきらいです。レ ストランで食べ物を食べるのが好きです。 上手に料理ができます。日本語をたのしく勉強していま す。
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09-16-2011, 01:10 PM

100% of it makes sense to me, PocketMonster. It doesn't sound like a native wrote it, but you already know that!

To verify that you wrote what you meant, here is what I learned from reading your paper:

Your hobbies: video games (5x week), computers (1 day 2 hours), movies (2x month).

You can play piano; not guitar. You play piano about 3x week. You can drive a car; not a motorcycle. You can play tennis but not baseball. You can sing and dance. It's fun and interesting, so you take Japanese.

It seems fun, so you want to try surfing. Someday you'd like to visit Japan, ride an elephant in India, see lions in Africa.

You like going shopping w/friends, watching anime, watching TV, watching videos, writing letters. You dislike writing reports. You like food at restaurants, you cook well, and you are enjoyably studying Japanese.
Sumippi (Offline)
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09-16-2011, 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by PocketMonster View Post
I have an essay due tomorrow and I wanted to see if someone could read over it and make sure it makes sense. Thank you in advance.

私のしゅみはビデオゲームをすることです。一週間に五 回ぐらいビデオゲームをします。 しゅみもコンピューターをすることです。一日に二時間 コンピューターを使います。 一か月に二回映画を見に行きます。

ピアノならひけますが、ギターはひけません。一週間に 三回ぐらいピアノをひきます。車ならうんてんできます が、バイクはうんてんできません。テニスならできます が、やきゅうをできません。歌を歌えます。それから、 おどれます。たのしいし、おもしろいし、日本語のクラ スをとります。

たのしそうだから、いつかサーフィンをしてみたいです 。いつか日本に行ってみたいです。インドでぞうにのっ てみたいです。アフリカでライオンを見てみたいです。

友だちといっしょに買い物をするのが好きです。それか ら、アニメを見るのが好きです。テレビを見るのが好き です。それから、ビデオを見るのが好きです。手紙を書 くのが好きですが、レポートを書くのがきらいです。レ ストランで食べ物を食べるのが好きです。 上手に料理ができます。日本語をたのしく勉強していま す。
If you want to make your essay better and more natural, maybe you could avoid repetitions and try to use more link words, I think....But, as Kyle-san wrote, it already makes perfect sense to me too.... so I may only have to correct a few grammatical mistakes;

*(歌を歌えます。→「歌が歌えます。」would be more natural.)
*たのしいし、おもしろいし、日本語のクラ スをとります。→たのしいし、おもしろいので、日本語 のクラ スをとっています。


Last edited by Sumippi : 09-16-2011 at 04:47 PM.
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09-16-2011, 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
You went too "textbook" on what is a live and a bit whore-like colloquial convo. 「用意する」here does not mean "to make preparations". It means "to make available for oneself" or "to find (for one's use)". It is talking about getting a BF as if it were a prop.

"Nah. Gotta get me a dude soon or else (this Christmas) won't be a blast."

Oh my, didn't expect it to mean that! Thank you very much for your help, masaegu .
zerwell (Offline)
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Smile hi sir, can u please help me translate this? - 09-18-2011, 12:17 AM

hi sir, can u please help me translate this?

my friend wants to know what is the exact words on this pic..

thanks alot, really appreciated

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