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masaegu (Offline)
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09-24-2011, 03:15 AM

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
This is a very basic question. Are both of the following sentences technically correct?



Which one would you be bound to hear more often?
First one is correct.

Second one needs 「に」 after the 「どこ」.

You would probably hear the second one more often.

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09-24-2011, 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
First one is correct.

Second one needs 「に」 after the 「どこ」.

You would probably hear the second one more often.
Thank you!
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09-24-2011, 03:30 AM

Originally Posted by Realism View Post

"上の例は normal-order で,いったんすべての式を primitive な部分まで展開させてから評価する.一方,applicative-order では最初に arguments を評価してから展開していく."


この文でなぜ「展開させて」って使われますか。「展開 して」って使ったら何が違う?

この場合は「展開する」、「展開させる」共に正しいと 思います。しかし、厳密に言えば、この著者がたった1 ―2行の文章の中で両方の形と使用していることは特別 褒められたことではないとも思います。統一すべきでし ょう。

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09-25-2011, 05:42 AM

Question regarding two more song titles.

With 生きている限り which would the correct romaji be:

iki te i ru kagiri
iki teiru kagiri
ikite iru kagiri
ikiteiru kagiri

When I google I seem to see instances of all of the above.

I am also confused about 荒野. Is it arano, areno or kouya?

The two sites I use for romaji are:

Japanese Alphabet - Romanization of Japanese characters (Kanji/Kana) (which lists all three, not sure of the differences).

Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert (which only lists arano)

I notice that the first site lists more than one translation most of the time and the second site only ever lists a single romaji translation.

Thank you for any help!

Otin the
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09-25-2011, 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
車に灰皿あんだろ糞が場をわきまえて嗜んでる奴は可 哀想だが
車に灰皿あんだろ、糞が。場をわきまえて嗜んでる奴は 可 哀想だが

「車の中にザ・ファッキング灰皿があるだろう。ちゃん としたタバコの吸い方をしている人にとってはかわいそ うな話だが、あの汚い灰皿を見るとどうしても喫煙者全 員に対して偏見の目で見てしまう。」

Ugly-looking car ashtray

Generalization of all smokers

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09-25-2011, 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by Otinairb View Post
Question regarding two more song titles.

With 生きている限り which would the correct romaji be:

iki te i ru kagiri
iki teiru kagiri
ikite iru kagiri
ikiteiru kagiri

When I google I seem to see instances of all of the above.

I am also confused about 荒野. Is it arano, areno or kouya?

The two sites I use for romaji are:

Japanese Alphabet - Romanization of Japanese characters (Kanji/Kana) (which lists all three, not sure of the differences).

Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert (which only lists arano)

I notice that the first site lists more than one translation most of the time and the second site only ever lists a single romaji translation.

Thank you for any help!

Otin the

荒野 = kouya (dreariness)

The common writing in romaji would be "ikite iru kagiri"

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09-25-2011, 10:29 AM

Hi, I would like to know what is the difference between "世界選手権優勝する" and "世界選手権優勝する"?


失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と
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09-25-2011, 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Otinairb View Post
Question regarding two more song titles.

With 生きている限り which would the correct romaji be:

iki te i ru kagiri
iki teiru kagiri
ikite iru kagiri
ikiteiru kagiri
Romaji is not a language. There is no one correct way to use it. Stop using romaji and your problem will go away.

Some people will write ikiteiru kagiri.
Others will write ikite iru kagiri
Others ikite-iru kagiri

It depends on who it is, etc. All are "correct."

But stop using romaji and your problem goes away.
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masaegu (Offline)
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09-25-2011, 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
Hi, I would like to know what is the difference between "世界選手権優勝する" and "世界選手権優勝する"?
Here is a tough one. I am going to say that the first one is correct and preferrable. The second one is not entirely correct to begin with but it sounds almost "correct" because so many people, even including professional announcers, actually use it for the same meaning as the first. It is like a blind spot in the particle world.

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09-25-2011, 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Here is a tough one. I am going to say that the first one is correct and preferrable. The second one is not entirely correct to begin with but it sounds almost "correct" because so many people, even including professional announcers, actually use it for the same meaning as the first. It is like a blind spot in the particle world.
で has a lot more examples in Eijiro than に. Just pointing that out in case Maxful wanted to see examples (and it comports with your statement, masaegu).

It sounds weird with に anyway, to me. It's hard to justify the use of に: 選手権 isn't the indirect object of 優勝する. It's, if any kind of object, a direct object requiring を (but this isn't used). But we use で instead because it's sort of locational (requiring the locative で particle), right?


Last edited by KyleGoetz : 09-25-2011 at 02:36 PM.
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