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02-13-2011, 04:36 AM
As for the second, I think it's not talking about one girl in particular because the second part talks about a plural "them." I'd say it's more like: I've often given advice to battered women [women with swollen faces]. However, this really is their problem. I think the implication is that he can't solve the problem for them, so maybe loosely translating the second line as something more like you did is fine. And, man, don't sweat it. I didn't own an electronic Japanese dictionary or have Internet for about the first four months living with my host family in Japan. I literally would be eating dinner and go to the bookshelf and pull off their English-Japanese dictionary and look up a word if I really couldn't talk around the problem or think of a synonym. |
02-13-2011, 04:40 AM
And your translation of that sentence is very good. 顔腫らした usually means "with one's face swollen after serious crying". |
02-13-2011, 04:43 AM
One girl + Her BF = Plural |
02-13-2011, 07:55 AM
今宿題をしていて授業に短い作文を書いているんですが ちょっと手伝っていただけませんか? 何か変なことが書いていたら教えてください ![]() 「ファストフード」 ファストフードというのは安くて多くの国で消費されて いる食べ物だ。特徴の一つはファストフードの安さだ。 たいてい一人前の食事は1,000円以下なのだ。その他にも� ��ァストフードは健康に悪いである。特にアメリカでは� ��ァストフードは安くて健康に悪いである。それに小さ� ��町からものすごく都市までどの町でもファストフード� ��買えるのだ。ファストフードのいい点は確かに安いこ� ��なのだ。悪い点は健康に悪さだ。スローフードの悪い� ��は時間がかかることだ。なのに、スローフードはファ� ��トフードよりずっとおいしいである。このおいしさは� ��るために時間がかかることだ。このおいしさがあるか� ��僕の好きなのはスローフードの方なのだ。健康のため� ��は確かに食べ物に気をつけることは大切だ。それはど� ��だけ運動しても体にいい食べ物を食べないと健康にな� ��ていくことができないからだ。 これは書かなければならないことです: 1.ファーストフードと呼ばれる食べ物には、どんな特 徴があるか。 2.自分の国でファーストフードと呼ばれる食べ物は、 1.の特徴があるか。 3.ファーストフード、スローフードと呼ばれる食べ物 のいい点、悪い点は何か。自分はどちらが好きか。それ は、どうしてか。 4.健康のためには、運動することと、食べ物に気をつ けることと、どちらのほうが大事だと思うか。なぜ、そ う思うか。 ところで作文には「だ体」を使わなければならないこと になっています。「である」の代わりに何を使えばいい でしょうか? (以下は英語で書いておきます) I felt weird about writing だ next to an -い adjective such as 悪い but I don't think I can just end a sentence with an adjective, because I thought it would be too informal. Was using である a good choice or should I have opted for だ here? Thanks in advance for any help どうぞよろしくお願いします ![]() |
02-13-2011, 08:33 AM
悪いである Incorrect phrase. ものすごく都市 Incorrect phrase. 健康に悪さだ Worst phrase so far. おいしいである Incorrect phrase. このおいしさは作るために時間がかかることだ makes little sense. いい食べ物を食べないと Redundant, dontcha think? This is like saying 「アメリカに渡米する。」. Where did you learn this "i-adj. + である" form??????? Quote:
~~だ、~~のだ、~~そうだ、~~なのだ, etc. である is not counted as a だ体. Writing everything in だ体 is in no way a natural thing to do but here it's just requested for the sheer purpose of practing the forms. |
02-13-2011, 08:46 AM
Would 体にいいものを食べないと sound less redundant? And finally, I wasn't taught to use である I just felt weird about using い adjectives with だ because I don't have much experience. This was the only alternative that popped into my mind because I couldn't use です and I didn't want to just end the sentence with an adjective. Had I known that this was incorrect I would never have used it in the first place, so thank you for letting me know. |
02-13-2011, 09:22 AM
If you intend to study Japanese for many years, which I am certain that you do, try to write 体 as 身体(still read からだ) because 体 carries the connotation of "flesh" and better writers would almost always opt for 身体. Quote:
To make it even better, insert こそ after the から. You would need a much longer and complicated sentence if you used おいしさ as its subject. Quote:
To use だ体, you must say 悪いのだ. I often see Jaanese-learners use 悪いだ but that sounds incredibly wrong. Mistakes on particles always look and sound much more serious to the native speaker than the learner might think. Hope I didn't miss any questions. |
02-13-2011, 06:10 PM
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks Masaegu and Kyle. And thanks for the second comment Masaegu, because I was just about to ask whether you thought 「本人達」 = 'battered women' or 'Sakaguchi + her boyfriend' and I wasn't sure if 「顔腫らした」 meant 'face puffy from crying' or something else. Though crying would certainly seem more plausible since there's no implication thus far that her BF beats her
![]() Okay, next scene has a good bit of tough guy dialogue which is always a little difficult for me. Kurusu overhears Sakaguchi talking to her boyfriend (named Ken'ichi); Sakaguchi; 「そんなの私の勝手じゃない!!」 "I didn't do this on purpose!!" [勝手 has always kinda confused me but I think she's saying she didn't intentionally get pregnant] Ken'ichi; 「しつけぇ女だな」 "You're a stubborn woman aren't ya" [しつけぇ = しつこい?] Sakaguchi; 「だいたい あんたに 何の権利があんのよ」 "You normally have a say in everything" [guesslating here] 「私 絶対 産むから」 "But I'm absolutely gonna have this baby" Ken'ichi; 「お前とのガキなんか要らねぇって言ってん・・・」 "I said I don't need a damn brat with you..." [Next page shows him kicking her in her abdomen] 「だよっ」 "Got it!?" [Kurusu proceeds to beat up BF guy] Ken'ichi; 「誰だ てめぇは」 "Who the hell are you?" 「どーゆうことだよ こりゃ」 "What's it to you?" [I know どーゆうこと = どういうこと and こりゃ = これは but is he asking what's Yuusei's problem or something?] Yuusei (thought bubble); 「だめ・・・・彼 元ボクサーなの・・・」 "This is bad... he's a boxer(? What does 元 mean here?) [Fight ensues -- Yuusei seemingly gets knocked out] Ken'ichi; 「なんだ こいつ 知り合いか?」 "What? Is this guy a friend of yours?" Sakaguchi; 「仕事で一緒の子なの もうやめてよ 気失ってるじゃ ない」 "He's just a kid I work with. Stop it already, he's knocked out" Ken'ichi; 「そら どーした!! 起きろ!!」 "Hey! What's wrong!? Wake up!!" Sakaguchi; 「ちょっと 信じらんない!! 健一!!」 "Wait ('you can't believe that'?)! Ken'ichi!!" [Is she saying Ken'ichi has no reason to believe Yuusei is faking?] I can figure it out from there. Sorry to post most of the scene :P I just figured it'd be easier if I did it this way. |
02-14-2011, 03:20 AM
e.g. おもしろい > おもしれー うまい > うめー 行きたい > 行きてー すごい > すげー Quote:
Please remember that unlike in prose, it's often hard to tell what lines mean in manga without seeing the drawings because drawings themselves serve to do 50% of the story-telling. Quote:
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