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(#221 (permalink))
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02-20-2011, 04:13 AM

Originally Posted by Ojamajoz View Post
Hi guys. I've noticed on a lot of japanese-language websites, people go "wwwwwwww" a lot.

Does anyone know what typing 'W's over and over again mean? Is it like 'lol'?
Yeah, it is. Why "w", I will let you guess.
(#222 (permalink))
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02-21-2011, 06:30 AM

Hello, sorry I haven't been on in a while, I went on a little vacation and somethin' awesome happened I met 4 Japanese girls my age and they were super nice. Between my broken Japanese and their broken English we had a conversation! I know I got nervous and probably was difficult to understand but they looked really happy to be talking with me and we exchanged email addresses. Anyway, we talked for about half an hour or so and they didn't use polite speech (I mean they didn't use ~ます forms) the entire time we talked. I used polite speech at first then accidentally started using plain speech since they were. Though I was paranoid of sounding rude... Is it fine for us to talk that way because we're the same age?

I also asked them if they needed to leave when we first started talking. I said 「今、忙しいですか?行かなきゃか?」 then I apologized for using 「行かなきゃ」 since I couldn't remember the polite way at the time since I was nervous. So was using 「行かなきゃ」 in this case inappropriate/rude? And I'm gonna send them an email tomorrow, so should I write in casual speech or polite speech? Is it bad to use polite speech when others (esp. people of the same age) are using causal speech? Like, does it sound stiff and unfriendly?

Sorry for all the questions! I'm still thinkin' about it a lot
(#223 (permalink))
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02-21-2011, 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Hello, sorry I haven't been on in a while, I went on a little vacation and somethin' awesome happened I met 4 Japanese girls my age and they were super nice. Between my broken Japanese and their broken English we had a conversation! I know I got nervous and probably was difficult to understand but they looked really happy to be talking with me and we exchanged email addresses. Anyway, we talked for about half an hour or so and they didn't use polite speech (I mean they didn't use ~ます forms) the entire time we talked. I used polite speech at first then accidentally started using plain speech since they were. Though I was paranoid of sounding rude... Is it fine for us to talk that way because we're the same age?

I also asked them if they needed to leave when we first started talking. I said 「今、忙しいですか?行かなきゃか?」 then I apologized for using 「行かなきゃ」 since I couldn't remember the polite way at the time since I was nervous. So was using 「行かなきゃ」 in this case inappropriate/rude? And I'm gonna send them an email tomorrow, so should I write in casual speech or polite speech? Is it bad to use polite speech when others (esp. people of the same age) are using causal speech? Like, does it sound stiff and unfriendly?

Sorry for all the questions! I'm still thinkin' about it a lot
Good to see you again, SP!

Young people rarely use polite speech any more even if they are talking to someone from their own age group for the first time. So, you did just fine this time. You won't sound rude by speaking plain unless you are talking to a teacher or any older person than you.

You could have said 「今忙しいの?」、「今ちょっと時間ない?」, etc.

「行かなきゃか?」 is incorrect by any standards. I couldn't say 「なきゃか」 even if I tried.  You could have said 「(もう)行かなきゃダメ?」、「行かなきゃなんない の?」、etc.

Politely, it's 行かなければなりませんか.

Deciding how you should talk to them in emails is easy. You just write using the same level of politeness/casualness that y'all were using toward the end of your conversation in person.

It's never "bad" to speak politely, but that would throw them off if you have already spoken to them casually in person lately. I would assume it would be the same in other languages as well.

Last edited by masaegu : 02-21-2011 at 09:55 AM.
(#224 (permalink))
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02-22-2011, 07:13 AM

Hey, guys. Just another quick listening question, if anyone has time (no classical stuff, as far as I can tell, lol):

Clip: Dailymotion - mizuchi scene - a Film & TV video

I'm trying to make out what the woman says at about 0:31 (after she says, 「まあ、よい。」). Sounds like 「あやつらの処分などにつでもでき。」, but her voice gets a bit lower during the red part, so I'm not totally sure (tentatively translated it as "I will be able to punish them at any time.").

Thanks in advance, as always. =]
(#225 (permalink))
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02-22-2011, 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by GLL99 View Post
Hey, guys. Just another quick listening question, if anyone has time (no classical stuff, as far as I can tell, lol):

Clip: Dailymotion - mizuchi scene - a Film & TV video

I'm trying to make out what the woman says at about 0:31 (after she says, 「まあ、よい。」). Sounds like 「あやつらの処分などにつでもでき。」, but her voice gets a bit lower during the red part, so I'm not totally sure (tentatively translated it as "I will be able to punish them at any time.").
に > い
でき> できる

She says 「まあよい。あやつらの処分などいつでもできる。」

Your translation is good.
(#226 (permalink))
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02-22-2011, 07:35 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
に > い
でき> できる

She says 「まあよい。あやつらの処分などいつでもできる。」

Your translation is good.
Sweet. I didn't hear the つ until I went to re-hear it after you pointed it out, though, lol. Thanks again. =D
(#227 (permalink))
zuick (Offline)
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can someone translate me that ? thx - 02-22-2011, 09:58 AM

hello everyone, my girlfriend send me this photo but she wont tell me what it says, can someone help me pls ?
this is it`s link: http://www.picz.ro/show-image.php?id...0160b9c80c7dda

thank you very much!
(#228 (permalink))
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02-22-2011, 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by zuick View Post
hello everyone, my girlfriend send me this photo but she wont tell me what it says, can someone help me pls ?
this is it`s link: http://www.picz.ro/show-image.php?id...0160b9c80c7dda

thank you very much!
She's just saying "I love you".
By the way, today I've got a few words I'm not sure about, so I need someone to check them over again.

1. http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/6048/yamikin1108.jpg
Just to be sure, does the word アウター refer to the overcoat?

2. 私、雑誌代とケータイ代相当いってるよ。
Does いってる in the line above mean "spend (money)"? And what is it dictionary form? Is it いく?

3. 久美子さん最近、髪傷みがちですね。トリートメントし ます?
Does 傷みがち mean "easy to be damaged"?

4. もうウチじゃ無理だから、人妻デリヘル紹介してあげる 。
Can someone tell me what 人妻デリヘル means?

Last edited by delacroix01 : 02-22-2011 at 11:16 AM.
(#229 (permalink))
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02-22-2011, 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
1. http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/6048/yamikin1108.jpg
Just to be sure, does the word アウター refer to the overcoat?

2. 私、雑誌代とケータイ代相当いってるよ。
Does いってる in the line above mean "spend (money)"? And what is it dictionary form? Is it いく?

3. 久美子さん最近、髪傷みがちですね。トリートメントし ます?
Does 傷みがち mean "easy to be damaged"?

4. もうウチじゃ無理だから、人妻デリヘル紹介してあげる 。
Can someone tell me what 人妻デリヘル means?
1. Yeah, any kind of coat or jacket.

2. Not quite. It means "to reach a certain (high) point". The dictionary form is いく as you said and good writers would NOT use the kanji to write it because it doesn't mean "to go" here.

3. Yes, "tends to get damaged easily".  This がち is one of those words native speakers use frequently but not Japanese-learners. An extremely useful word.

4. It's a dating service specializing in housewives.

Last edited by masaegu : 02-22-2011 at 11:35 AM.
(#230 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
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02-22-2011, 12:06 PM

>>1. http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/6048/yamikin1108.jpg
>>Just to be sure, does the word アウター refer to the overcoat?

Yes. アウター means "outer wear".

>>2. 私、雑誌代とケータイ代相当いってるよ。
>>Does いってる in the line above mean "spend (money)"? And what is it >>dictionary form? Is it いく?

Yes. The original form is いく (go, reach)
The cost of magazines and cell phone utility goes to/reach the astonishing level.

3. 久美子さん最近、髪傷みがちですね。トリートメントし ます?
Does 傷みがち mean "easy to be damaged"?
Yes. "Easy to be damaged" or "tend to be damaged".

>>4. もうウチじゃ無理だから、人妻デリヘル紹介してあげる 。
>>Can someone tell me what 人妻デリヘル means?

=house wife / delivery healthy massage
=delivery prostitution by house wives

In Japan, the most famous prostitution place was ソープランド (soap-land), where prostitutes provide sexual-intercourse.The cost is expensive, and it was dangerous for sexually transmitted disease, such as AIDS.

Then a new sex industry, ヘルス or ヘルスマッサージ emerged, which was cheaper than ソープランド. Originally, in ヘルス, sexual-intercourse was not allowed, prostitutes use their hands or their mouths (lips), not their vagina. And it was said that it took less chance for sexually transmitted disease, so they named it as "healthier massage".

Originally men have to go to the particular place, but then "delivery type" emerged.
Like "delivery pizza", if a man ordered a prostitute by telephone, she would be delivered to his house or to a cheap hotel or anywhere he wants.

As I don't use or do such things, I'm not quite sure about the definition, but roughly speaking, I think I'm right.

もうウチじゃ無理だから、人妻デリヘル紹介してあげる means something like;
Your sexual request is too tough for me, so I will call a prostitute for you from a delivery healthy massage by house wives.

Hope this helps.
Oh, masaegu responded earlier, more concise, and more precise!

Last edited by Supperman : 02-22-2011 at 12:12 PM. Reason: It took me for more than one hour.
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