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(#231 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 03:35 AM

Yo, friends.
Could you help me with 2 sentences?
この作品は当時でも凄く豪華なキャストでSouther役 の 銀 河 万 丈 さ ん
勿論、Raoh役の内海賢二さん、それからToki役 の 土 師 孝 也 さ ん。
I am not sure about this 勿論. Is it a consequence nexus? Is cast soperb coz it has actors like Banjo Ginga, Kenji Utsumi and Takaya Hashi?

2 - 8枚ものBGM集が発売された作品は本作をおいて他にはない
I don't understand this exception - "8 BGM LPs were sold...there are no other pieces from this work"?
Thank you very much, friends.


Last edited by kenshiromusou : 02-23-2011 at 03:44 AM.
(#232 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Yo, friends.
Could you help me with 2 sentences?
この作品は当時でも凄く豪華なキャストでSouther役 の 銀 河 万 丈 さ ん
勿論、Raoh役の内海賢二さん、それからToki役 の 土 師 孝 也 さ ん。
I am not sure about this 勿論. Is it a consequence nexus? Is cast soperb coz it has actors like Banjo Ginga, Kenji Utsumi and Takaya Hashi?

2 - 8枚ものBGM集が発売された作品は本作をおいて他にはない
I don't understand this exception - "8 BGM LPs were sold...?"
Thank you very much, friends.
1. 勿論 here means "not to mention". Within Japanese grammer, it's an adverb. It's naming all the actors that make the work great but is giving a little extra credit to Ginga.

2. ~~をおいて他にはない = No others exist except ~~

It's saying that this is the only movie ever for which an album of 8 BGM records/CD's have been released.
(#233 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 03:50 AM

Hi I'm new and trying to learn Japanese on my own until I can find classes to take. I'm using Genki elementary Japanese and it's telling me to translate the following 4 phrases using the AのB, im just wondering if im doing it right.

Japanese student- にほんのがくせい

Takeshi's telephone number- たけしさんのでんわばんご

English- language teacher- えいごのせんせい

Michiko's major- みちこのせんもん

Planning on saving y leave to take a trip to japan !! ( Researching right now though)
(#234 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
1. 勿論 here means "not to mention". Within Japanese grammer, it's an adverb. It's naming all the actors that make the work great but is giving a little extra credit to Ginga.

2. ~~をおいて他にはない = No others exist except ~~

It's saying that this is the only movie ever for which an album of 8 BGM records/CD's have been released.
Masaegu先生, I understand this extra credit to Ginga you said, but and about actors after comma? extra credit to Kenji Utsumi and Takaya Hashi too?

(#235 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 03:54 AM

Originally Posted by Darnellrbts View Post
Japanese student- にほんのがくせい

Takeshi's telephone number- たけしさんのでんわばんご

English- language teacher- えいごのせんせい

Michiko's major- みちこのせんもん
One mistake.
ばんご >> ばんごう

More Japanese would use せんこう than せんもん but I won't call it a mistake.
(#236 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Masaegu先生, I understand this extra credit to Ginga you said, but and about actors after comma? extra credit to Kenji Utsumi and Takaya Hashi too?
It gives extra credit to everyone mentioned there but just a little bit more to Ginga. The difference would be minimal, really.
(#237 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
It gives extra credit to everyone mentioned there but just a little bit more to Ginga. The difference would be minimal, really.

(#238 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Good to see you again, SP!

Young people rarely use polite speech any more even if they are talking to someone from their own age group for the first time. So, you did just fine this time. You won't sound rude by speaking plain unless you are talking to a teacher or any older person than you.

You could have said 「今忙しいの?」、「今ちょっと時間ない?」, etc.

「行かなきゃか?」 is incorrect by any standards. I couldn't say 「なきゃか」 even if I tried.  You could have said 「(もう)行かなきゃダメ?」、「行かなきゃなんない の?」、etc.

Politely, it's 行かなければなりませんか.

Deciding how you should talk to them in emails is easy. You just write using the same level of politeness/casualness that y'all were using toward the end of your conversation in person.

It's never "bad" to speak politely, but that would throw them off if you have already spoken to them casually in person lately. I would assume it would be the same in other languages as well.
Ahhh, thanks! They seemed to know what I meant by 「行かなきゃか?」 so I suppose it's alright though I'll try to remember the phrases you gave me next time. Also, I asked them how to say 'nervous' in Japanese (in the sense that I don't have a lot of experience talking in Japanese so I'm nervous) and they suggested 「気を使う」. Is that the right expression to use here? I was under the impression 「気を使う」 meant more 'being bothered/concerned about something'.

Also, I kinda like it if you could look over the message I'm gonna write them to make sure I don't too retarded I'm gonna send this to just the girl I talked to the most rather than send the same thing 4 times :P Here goes;

Hello! I meant to contact you the night before last but I was exhausted when I got home.
こんにちは! おとといの晩、真央さんたちに連絡 す るつもりだったのだが、家に着いた時、私はたいへん疲 れていた。

And then yesterday I was a little busy. Sorry I'm slow at writing messages in Japanese since I'm not very good yet ><
そして、昨日はちょっと忙しいけど。 ごめん、まだあ まり上手ではないから私は日本語でメッセージを書くの はとても時間がかかる。 ><

How are you? It was so nice meeting and talking to you! I was afraid my dad might have scared you when he approached you guys.
お元気? 真央さんたちに会えて話してうれしかったよ 。 父が真央さんたちに近づいた時、びっくりするのではな いかと心配した。

And I was a little embarrassed at first since I wasn't sure if I'd be any good.
そして私は自分に自信がなくてちょっと恥ずかしかった 。

But you guys we so nice and encouraging that I became confident. I'm so grateful.
でも、自信を持つほど真央さんたちが親切に励ましてく れた。 ほんとに感謝してる。

Though I realize now I made a bunch of mistakes... When I was talking about the Iron Giant statue I said "Nemeteru robotto', What I meant to say was 'nemute iru robotto' ><
[I really don't know how to say the first sentence. Sorry. ] アイロン・ジャイアントの像のことを話したとき、「ネ メテルロボット」と言っちゃった。 >< 言おうとし ていたことは、「眠っているロボット」だった。

Ack, my pronunciation was awful. I need to practice more. Anyway, thank you so much for talking with me in Japanese. It was good practice and a lot of fun. I hope we can do it again.
ああ、発音は悪かった。 私はもっと練習することが必 要だ。 とにかく、日本語で話してくれて本当にありが とうございます。 いい経験でとても楽しかった。 ま た会えたらいいね。

Oh yeah, we lost our camera. My little sister is pretty upset about it since she probably took hundreds of photos...
ちなみに、カメラをなくしちゃった ;_; 妹が写真 を何百枚撮ったでしょうからかなり悲しいんだ・・・

We may drive back to the University to look for it, though we might not since it's a two hour drive and the chances of finding it are pretty slim. We've been looking all over for it D': I hope it turns up.
カメラを探しにまたあの大学に行くことになるかもしれ ない。でも、見つける見込みはほとんどなくてここから そこまで車で2時間だから、行かないかも。 カメラを 家中探していた。 カメラが現れてほしいと思う。

If we end up driving back up there, maybe we can meet up again How much longer are you guys gonna be in Alabama? 
あそこに行くことになれば、[This is a somewhat weak suggestion, since I don't wanna bother them. How would you do that in Japanese?] ^0^ どのくらいアラバマに滞在するの?

Your English is very good. Did you learn in school? What made you want to learn English?
英語お上手だ。 学校で習ったの? どうして英語を習 い始めたの?

By the way, please share this message to Shiori, Emiko and Misa too. I will email them too. Sorry I'm so slow D:
ところで、真央さん、栞さんと詠美子さんと未紗にもこ のメッセージを見せてください。[I'm a little afraid this sounds kinda rude, is it?] 彼女達もメールするつもりだ。 とても遅くてすみま せん。

ではまた~ [Or would 「じゃあね」 look better?]

If any of this looks rude, please tell me. I don't care too terribly if it's unnatural since these girls know my Japanese isn't perfect (though I'd still like to know as I'm learning). Sorry for the length! Thank you
(#239 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 05:41 AM

I have a quick question to go along with SP's letter/mail. I was under the impression that 大変 in the sense it was used sounds a bit... formal? (Thought not wrong at all). A few chapters ago in class, we were discussing the differences in speech levels and one example we had was 大変興味深い versus すごく面白い. Any opinions on this from someone with experience would be appreciated.
One more quick question. I need to be able to ask 'What academic department are you in?' for a fake interview tomorrow. Just a shot in the dark, but is it 'どの学部についていますか'?
Double Edit: (Not sure this is the last either)
Amongst one of the things I'm supposed to be able to answer, I need to be able to tell the "student" how long they are able to stay in the US. I believe 一年間まで留学できます would suffice, but I feel like まで could be replaced by a better word. Can one of the 2-kanji words that starts with 以 an option (I can't remember all of them at the moment).

Last edited by duo797 : 02-23-2011 at 06:13 AM.
(#240 (permalink))
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02-23-2011, 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by duo797 View Post
One more quick question. I need to be able to ask 'What academic department are you in?' for a fake interview tomorrow. Just a shot in the dark, but is it 'どの学部についていますか'?
I think 〜さんはどちらの学部ですかwould be fine.
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