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(#301 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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03-04-2011, 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by mandalina View Post
あなたが去って行くときに、あなたの黒いノートを持っ ていって
あなたがさっていくときに、あなたのくろいノートをも っていって
While you are leaving, take your black covered notebook with you
(leaving: going away leaving someone behind, walking out on somebody)
That's at least one too many pronouns used in a short sentence like this.

To use as much as what you used:

If I did not have to use too much of what you used:

私は去っている、 あなたは滞在する, でも、お幸せに
「わたしはさっている、あなたはたいざいする, でも、おしあわせに」
“Stay where I left you, but be happy” or “I am going away you stay, but be happy”
(What I really wanted to say is this "Stay where I left you, but happily" but I thought it would sound better in English like above.)
Doesn't make much sense as is. I would phrase it:

「私が離れていく場所にそのまま残って幸せになって。 」
「私は出ていくけど、あなたはここで幸せになって。」 , etc.
(#302 (permalink))
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03-04-2011, 02:27 PM

On a t shirt of a friend there was the writing ヒトも動物だってこと I assume it stands for ヒトも動物だということ. What is the difference from saying simply ヒトも動物だ?
I mean, I know that ということ can give the meaning of "I heard that..." or else "I mean...", but it seems to me that this is just a plain statement...maybe I am trying too much to read between the lines?

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
(#303 (permalink))
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03-04-2011, 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
On a t shirt of a friend there was the writing ヒトも動物だってこと I assume it stands for ヒトも動物だということ. What is the difference from saying simply ヒトも動物だ?
I mean, I know that ということ can give the meaning of "I heard that..." or else "I mean...", but it seems to me that this is just a plain statement...maybe I am trying too much to read between the lines?
Both are statements but the one using ということ sounds considerably softer and indirect, which are precisely the qualities in speech that many of us were brought up to prefer.

If you would be ineterested in loose, non-literal translation, mine would be:
ヒトも動物だってこと = "Humans are animals, too, after all, ya know?"
ヒトも動物だ = "Humans are animals, too. Period."

(Hope I didn't confuse you all the more with the translations.)
(#304 (permalink))
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03-04-2011, 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Both are statements but the one using ということ sounds considerably softer and indirect, which are precisely the qualities in speech that many of us were brought up to prefer.

If you would be ineterested in loose, non-literal translation, mine would be:
ヒトも動物だってこと = "Humans are animals, too, after all, ya know?"
ヒトも動物だ = "Humans are animals, too. Period."

(Hope I didn't confuse you all the more with the translations.)
No, you haven't thank you.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
(#305 (permalink))
icecreamshampoo (Offline)
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03-05-2011, 02:44 AM

Does, 私はグラインドコア好き

translate to "I love grindcore"?
(#306 (permalink))
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03-05-2011, 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by icecreamshampoo View Post
Does, 私はグラインドコア好き

translate to "I love grindcore"?
Yeah, it does.
(#307 (permalink))
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03-05-2011, 11:46 AM

Hello everyone! There are 2 small questions I'd like to ask today.

このチュートリアルは、バトル部分の基本的なシステム 紹介を行っております。知っておくとさらに快適にプレ イできるお得な情報もあるかもしれません。
Just to make sure, does 知っておくと mean "in case you already know it"? And how is 得 read in the sentence above?
(#308 (permalink))
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03-05-2011, 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
このチュートリアルは、バトル部分の基本的なシステム 紹介を行っております。知っておくとさらに快適にプレ イできるお得な情報もあるかもしれません。
Just to make sure, does 知っておくと mean "in case you already know it"? And how is 得 read in the sentence above?
That is not what 知っておくと means. It means "if you (take your time to) learn it (in preparation for something)".

得 is read とく. An extremely important word, this is.

Last edited by masaegu : 03-05-2011 at 12:32 PM.
(#309 (permalink))
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03-05-2011, 12:13 PM

Thanks again for the tips, masaegu By the way, would you mind listing the uses of おく when it comes after て form verbs? To tell the truth, I haven't fully grasped this verb yet, although I have seen it so many times.
(#310 (permalink))
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03-05-2011, 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
By the way, would you mind listing the uses of おく when it comes after て form verbs? To tell the truth, I haven't fully grasped this verb yet, although I have seen it so many times.
This has repeatedly been explained here, so I will be very brief.

1. Perform an action in preparation for something.

「土曜日にパーティーをやるので、ビールを買っておか なければならない。」
「来週テストをします。今週中にしっかり勉強しておき なさい。」

2. Leave something as it is.

「花子ちゃんはぐっすり寝ている。このまま寝かせてお こう。」

3. Complete a job by a certain time or while a certain condition lasts.

「朝8時までにゴミを出しておけば持っていってくれる 。」
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