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03-11-2011, 10:04 PM
could someone correct this for me please?
![]() 音楽が本当に大好きですから、このトピックについての 話が良いと思いした。日本の音楽はとくべつですね。Pol andと日本の音楽はぜんぜんおなじくありませんね。たぶ ん、それは、言語のたいさだから。でも、私、生活スタ イルはその二つの国で、本当にちがいますから、音楽も おなじくないと思います。。Poland人はかなりなまぬるく て、音楽は。。。なんか。。。ヘビーですね。ほとんど のPolandの唄はこんなにハードです。でも、日本の音楽は いろいろな種類があります。例えば、jpopやjrockやvisual keiなどがあります。大好きな歌手は浜崎あゆみです。あ たし、いつもあゆの唄を唄いながら、「この唄を唄って から勉強するよ、と言います。そして、一時間後、「は い、はいこの唄を唄ってから勉強するよ。」、とじょう じ言います。それとも、visual keiバンド ー ガゼットです。一番聞きました時にガゼ ットの音楽があまり好きではなって、今ガゼットを良く 聞きます。 日本の音楽には、いつもたく山のしんたいがありますか ら、ありがとうございます。 im really in need of help with this...so please, please, please..correct this for me...thank you ![]() |
03-11-2011, 10:48 PM
Hey, guys. First, I hope everyone in Japan's recovering safely from that earthquake. We've just had rain going on into today before it cleared a while ago, but I can't imagine what it's like to be in an earthquake like that. My wishes go out to everyone affected. =[
Well, I was hoping someone would be able to look over my translations below, since I'm confused about some of them: 1. 明日香:「斎王さまは何を考えていらっしゃるのか。」 万丈目:「あとはお任せしよう。われわれにはとても及ばぬ考えをもちだろうから。」 For the bold: "He may have intentions that we just can't comprehend, after all." (I get that 及ばぬ means something isn't a match for another or it "can't hold a candle to" it, but I'm having trouble wording it well here.) 2. 双六:「遊戯が幾多のデュエルの伝説を作った場所でも ある。」 十代:「ああ。デュエルアカデミア入学試験のとき以来 でな。」 "Yep, ever since the Duel Academia's entrance exams." (Ordinarily, I'd think this was right, but I figured he'd say this happened before he took his entrance exams at the beginning of this series, not since [the events 双六 talks about happened in the years before this series started], so I'm kinda confused.) 3. 斎王:美寿知…お前の「見鏡占い」の力で二人の男から 一人を選んで欲しい… 美寿知:その二人とは? 斎王:遊城十代とエド・フェニックス…。そのいずれか が私の運命の輪を動かす可能性を持つ者. 美寿知:兄さんが「運命」を読みとれないと…? 斎王:自らの運命に関わることにはどうしても己の意識 が入り込んでしまう… "One's awareness will always slip in when involved with their own fate." (In the line before, 美寿知 questions if 斎王 is unable to read into destiny, so I thought he'd be saying something about one becoming aware of their destiny. Not sure if I'm wording it right.) 4. 美寿知:「運命は確定したものではない。かかわる人間� �よって揺れ動くもの。」 エド:「つまり、十代とかかわったことで僕の…斎王の 運命も変わったと?」 "So, in other words, by being involved with Judai, both my destiny and Saiou's were changed?" (I translated the first one as "Destiny is not something that has been set in stone--it is that which quivers due to those who it concerns.", so I wanted to see if I was wording the かかわった part correctly in the second.) 5. 美寿知:「兄が迷うのも頷けるほど、二人の力は互角。 」 "Their abilities are on enough equal footing that my brother would nod in confusion." (Wondering if I'm getting the meaning of 迷うのも頷けるほど right here.) 6. エド:「見ていたか斎王?運命の輪に影響し合い、互い を高みに連れて行けるのは僕だ!」 "Were you watching that, Saiou? I'm the one who can take us both to new heights and affect our wheels of fate!" (Mostly confused about the 影響し合い and 高みに連れて行ける parts here.) 7. Dailymotion - nayuta attack - a Film & TV video At 0:15, I'm hearing "しばんの業火", but I wanted to make sure of it. Also, is there anything that しばん might mean, or some figure it might be? I'm leaning towards leaving it as "Hell Flames of Shiban", but I'd leave a Translation Note in case it may mean something. 8. 美寿知:「D-HERO使い、エドフェニックスの可能� �も捨てがたい…なれどここまでは、想定済みの結果」 "The potential in Ed Phoenix, user of the D-Heroes, is hard to cast aside, as well... However, things thus far have resulted from our assumptions..." (Confused by 済み's use here and if I'm wording that sentence right.) Thanks in advance to whoever has time, and sorry there's more than usual, lol. |
03-12-2011, 02:43 PM
Treat 頷く and 頷ける differently though they are related. In order to nod in agreement, something must be persuasive/convincing enough. That the two guys have equal abilities is convincing enough for 美寿知. "My big bro has reason to be undecided/perplexed/irresolute as the two are equally good." Quote:
"However, so far the results have all been within the range of our assumptions." |
03-14-2011, 02:36 AM
Friends, could you help me with 4 phrases?
1 - 原先生とも、映画やりましょうよ、なんでやりとりをしてるんですけどね。 Context: First he said he would like to make a movie. I didn't understand last syntagm. "Hara-sensei will be [in casting] too, (so we will exchange ideas????)? 2 - 芦田監督もすぐノってくれてありがたかったです。 I don't understand, but even if ノって = 載って; it would be a thing like: "Director Ashida does not use to be so solicitous, [so it was a grateful surprise]? - I'm lost here. Context: after "劇場版の時に監督芦田さんに、今回はいわゆる 映 画 の タ イ ト ル音楽として書かせてもらえないかと頼みました。" At movie time, he asked to director Ashida if he could write specific music to title. 3- 当時、プロデューサー高見は[好きなように書いてほしい。お金のことは言わないから、奏者の人数もすべて任せる]とおっしゃってくださいました。 Producer Takami said: "Write as you want. Since we didn't talk about money, you can contract all musicians." Is it close to correct? 4 - 僕は、音楽は音楽として主張をしたいタイプなので、テーマ等も自分の中のイメー ジで作ってしまうんです。 I don't understand this first syntgm (音楽は音楽 - insistence?). Please give me light here, friends. "Is he an insistent type...? Context: After phrase Masaegu先生 already saved me: あまり物語の中に入っていっちゃうと、あたりさわりな くバックアップするだけの音楽になってしまいますから 。 Thank you very much and sorry for to annoy you with 4 questions. P.S.: Masaegu先生, I'm happy you are safe. I hope everyone you like be safe too. |
03-14-2011, 03:29 AM
"I have been discussing with Hara-sensei regarding making a movie (out of the manga)." なんで >>なんて The sentence may be dfficult to understand because it is a mixture of direct and indirect speech, which probably does not exist in European languages.. 映画やりましょうよ is direct speech and the rest is in the indirect speech form. 2. ノる has nothing to do with 載る. When you see a verb with its stem in katakana and the conjugated part in hiragana, it is being used for its slang meaning instead of its dictionary meaning. This is of utmost importance for any Japanese-learner. ノる here means "to show interest (rather quickly)". 3. Not correct. お金のことは言わないから means "I will put no limit on the budget". 4. 音楽は音楽として means that the person wants to make the music that is good all by itself even without the story. Thanks, Ken! Everyone I personally know is safe though it may be selfish to say so. |
03-14-2011, 03:53 AM
Thank you very much, Masaegu先生. |
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