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Kanji Translation? -
03-16-2011, 12:42 AM
I have been wanting to get a kanji tattoo for a while. Though, I am now Japanese and do not love the language, I love the beauty of the writing. I want to get the word "hope" and was wondering if anyone could translate it for me? I have done tons of research online and found multiply symbols, and I want to be sure to get the right one. Thank you ![]() |
03-16-2011, 05:34 AM
くれる = an action is performed for the speaker or someone closely related to the speaker. Quote:
けんさんが私の部屋を掃除してくれました。 Quote:
Those verbs include 買う、作る、届ける、送る、貸す、教える、見せる、与 える、etc. There will not be many more. |
03-17-2011, 01:50 AM
Again, I have a list of questions for today. I hope these aren't too much.
1. 豪快なコンボを決めて喜んでいたのも束の間、大量の熱 が溜まっている時に攻撃をもらい大ダメージ…なんて事 のないようにしましょう。 Just to be sure, does なんて事のないようにしましょう mean "let's make sure it's not going to happen"? 2. 画面左上にあるゲージがフォースクラッシュゲージです 。このゲージは超強力な技を出す為に必要になるゲージ です。フォースクラッシュゲージの増やし方はいくつか あります。 - 『攻撃を出す』 / 空振りしてもわずかですが増えます。 - 『攻撃を当てる』 / 最も増えやすい手段です。ダメージが大きいほど増える 量も多くなります。コンボで多くの技を繋げると、増え る量は後に出した技ほど飛躍的に上昇します。 The part 後に出した技ほど is incomprehensible to me. Does it simply mean that the more 技 are used, the more quickly the gauge rise? Or is it referring to a specific boost of quantity according to the 技 that was used? ![]() There are also some words and phrases that look unclear to me in the manga I'm reading. 3. http://i.imgur.com/GYL3w.jpg それだけ多くを背負わせてしまうことになるからね The combination of それだけ and 多く looks confusing to me. Can someone tell me what the phrase means? http://i.imgur.com/Ndxdm.jpg 4. ご存じのとおり彼女はまだデビュー間もないですし The phrase まだデビュー間もない has been bugging me for a while. Does it mean that the person being referred to hasn't made her debut yet? Or does it mean she has just done it recently? 5. スキャンダルされるなら男の人とされてみたいですよ~ Does される mean "to be treated as" here? 6. http://i.imgur.com/IdVb2.jpg Finally, what does 魅せつける mean in this context? |
03-17-2011, 02:22 AM
2. It is saying "the later the 技 are used, the higher they will raise the gauge." 3. "You will be burdened with more responsibility/pressure (because we will be practicing harder than ever.)" 4. She has just made her debut. 5. No. It is saying "If I had to be made an object of scandal, I would rather hope it was about a guy." 6. "to demonstarte something". However, it's a "half-coined" word. The dictionary word is 見せつける. |
03-18-2011, 05:43 AM
![]() Quote:
![]() ![]() By the way, do you have any idea about the word シメ in this sentence? 是非、コンボのシメにカッコよくフォースクラッシュを ぶち込んでみて下さい。 I have the feeling that it comes from a verb, but I have no idea what it may be. |
03-18-2011, 06:08 AM
However, more native speakers, including myself, would rephrase it as その分(ぶん) = "just as much". Quote:
It comes from the verb 締める. |
03-18-2011, 07:19 AM
Yo, friends.
Could you help me with these sentences? 1 色んな業を背負って生きてきて、その生き方にドラマがあるんですよ。 "There were several diary tasks, there was a drama in way of live." Is this close to correct? 2 それで、みんな何か一言残してくれるんです。 "Besides, I could be unfair if I forgot everybody". Is this close to correct? 3 女に暖めてもらったシーンは、ファンの人には色々あっ たみたいですし。 The fans watched the scene several times. Or they liked the scene ? Thank you very much, my friends. |
03-18-2011, 07:37 AM
"(Someone) has lived carrying the burden of his karma, and there is a drama in his way of life." 2. Where do you get "unfair" and "forgot"? "That's why everyone has left a word (for someone)." 3. You are way off with this one. "The scene where (he) was warmed by a woman seems to have caused discussions among the fans." |
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