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(#31 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
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02-02-2011, 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by MasterfuliMouto View Post
I love how my shit was skipped over by a few pages, no answer or attempt even though I ask nicely and there's supposedly near fluent speakers overseeing it all.

Fuck this lol
It was probably the part where you said you weren't going to try and translate it yourself because someone else should just do it for you.
(#32 (permalink))
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Kanji help - 02-02-2011, 07:07 PM

posted a thread about this a min ago but then saw this thread. my apologies.

Firstly Hi! Hope ur all well. My name is Shan and im from the United Kingdom.

Ok basically I have been wanting to get a tattoo with the use of kanji symbols. But ive read that it is very easy to get the wrong meaning unless you have someone very familiar with the language at hand to help.

So here is what I needed help with. I needed the correct kanji for the english phrase "love shy"

I found 2 kanji images online and have edited to make them as one. Does this read as "love shy"? please let me know. Thanks friends

(#33 (permalink))
matsemann08 (Offline)
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02-02-2011, 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Hell no. I don't know why people think if they pronounce English words with butchered Japanese pronunciation that magically makes them understandable to Japanese people....
I know, I was just thinking that because many countries sounds like "Engrish" pronounced in japanese.
Doitsu sounds like Deutsh (which is what the Germans calls their language)
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02-02-2011, 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by MasterfuliMouto View Post
I love how my shit was skipped over by a few pages, no answer or attempt even though I ask nicely and there's supposedly near fluent speakers overseeing it all.

Fuck this lol
This is a free forum, not a service. You act like you're a paying customer or something Moreover, other people asked questions and got skipped over too. I think you'll find students/regular members take a higher priority here. Besides, you said you understand most of it, make an attempt to translate it and the users here will probably be more willing to help you.
(#35 (permalink))
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02-02-2011, 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by eezy1 View Post
posted a thread about this a min ago but then saw this thread. my apologies.

Firstly Hi! Hope ur all well. My name is Shan and im from the United Kingdom.

Ok basically I have been wanting to get a tattoo with the use of kanji symbols. But ive read that it is very easy to get the wrong meaning unless you have someone very familiar with the language at hand to help.

So here is what I needed help with. I needed the correct kanji for the english phrase "love shy"

I found 2 kanji images online and have edited to make them as one. Does this read as "love shy"? please let me know. Thanks friends

What you have is;

Which as far as I can see makes zero sense... Google "慕内気" (with the quotation marks) and you won't get anything, Chinese or otherwise.
内気 [uchiki] does mean bashfulness/shyness but 慕 doesn't mean love, it more means 'yearn for'.
I believe you want

Though I may be wrong
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02-03-2011, 12:55 AM

Hey, once again, new chapter, same story. I'm over halfway through this volume, 100+ pages read~ Although I can't follow this dialogue for the life of me...

Bartender; 「来栖 子供は元気か?」
Kurusu, that kid of yours doin' alright?
Yuusei; 「はい おかげ様で この前は長いこと休んじゃってす いませんでした」
Yes, she's fine, thanks. Sorry for taking so much time off work earlier
Bartender; 「どうだ 赤ん坊ってかわいいだろ」
This line seems so non sequitur I'm not sure how to translate it
Yuusei; 「たまんないっスね」
I know っス = です口を利き but I don't what it means, "I'm not collecting"?
Bartender; 「口を利き始めたらすぐナマイキになるぞ~~~」
Once you start talking you immediately get disrespectful~~
「うちの娘なんかまだ小3なのに俺の洗濯物と一緒に服 を洗うと怒るんだ」
My daughter is still just a 3rd grader(?) and yet she gets mad if I wash my laundry in together with her clothes
She really is a such a sweetheart (speaking ironically)

This whole dialogue seems kinda incoherent... the dialogue that follow doesn't makes much sense either. I hope I'm not just having a moment of profound denseness...
(#37 (permalink))
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02-03-2011, 01:20 AM

Yo, my friends.
I saw several times the word 真紅 used as an adjective (真紅の青年,真紅の少年). Could a native japanese speaker explain me if 真紅 is the same thing of 熱血 in words like these:
Thank you very much, friends.

(#38 (permalink))
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02-03-2011, 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Yo, my friends.
I saw several times the word 真紅 used as an adjective (真紅の青年,真紅の少年). Could a native japanese speaker explain me if 真紅 is the same thing of 熱血 in words like these:
Thank you very much, friends.
I'm fairly certain the first means "enthusiastic," while the latter is a shade of red.
(#39 (permalink))
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02-03-2011, 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
I'm fairly certain the first means "enthusiastic," while the latter is a shade of red.
Yo, Kyle. Thank you very much; I forgot you were here too.

Literally, 真紅 is deep crimson, 熱血 is hot-blooded.
I always have seen 真紅の少年 in shônen mangas.
I would like to know this "shinku" idiosyncrasies.
I just imagined Japanese people maybe could use 真紅 to hot-blooded as well.

(#40 (permalink))
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02-03-2011, 03:26 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Literally, 真紅 is deep crimson, 熱血 is hot-blooded.
I always have seen 真紅の少年 in shônen mangas.
I would like to know this "shinku" idiosyncrasies.
I just imagined Japanese people maybe could use 真紅 to hot-blooded as well.
I don't really know the answer. I will ask someone who reads lots of manga.
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