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(#441 (permalink))
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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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04-03-2011, 12:44 AM

Thanks for the explanation and finding the page where we discussed 済む
This is hopefully gonna be my last question for this chapter;
Yuusei goes to a store in order to find the origin of a business card. He shows the business card to a man up front and says
"This store isn't (something) anywhere else" [What does 載る mean here?]
"I had a hard time looking for it"

I'm stumped.

Edit-- One more question;
Yuusei realizes the man working at the bar is the hit man who broke his arm (Nakatou).
Nakatou; 「何の用だ」
"What do you want?"
「あの時の復讐か それともわざわざうちに飲みに来た のか?」
"Revenge for that time or did you just come here for a drink?"
Yuusei; 「あんた殺し屋だろ?」
You're an assassin, right?
Nakatou; 「だったら なんだってんだクソガキ?」
"If I am then what are you gonna do(?) brat?" [This is the line I'm having trouble with. What is he asking?]

Sorry for the edit.

Last edited by StonerPenguin : 04-03-2011 at 01:20 AM.
(#442 (permalink))
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04-03-2011, 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Yuusei goes to a store in order to find the origin of a business card. He shows the business card to a man up front and says
"This store isn't (something) anywhere else" [What does 載る mean here?]
"I had a hard time looking for it"

I'm stumped.

Edit-- One more question;
Yuusei realizes the man working at the bar is the hit man who broke his arm (Nakatou).
Nakatou; 「何の用だ」
"What do you want?"
「あの時の復讐か それともわざわざうちに飲みに来た のか?」
"Revenge for that time or did you just come here for a drink?"
Yuusei; 「あんた殺し屋だろ?」
You're an assassin, right?
Nakatou; 「だったら なんだってんだクソガキ?」
"If I am then what are you gonna do(?) brat?" [This is the line I'm having trouble with. What is he asking?]
載るis an extremely important verb meaning "to be in a printed medium". It can be an article or advertisement.

どこにも載っていない means "(it is) not advertized anywhere".

I want to emphasize the importantce of the word because I seldom hear/see this word used by the self-proclaimed advanced Japanese-learners. You have got to remember this word because Its synonym is even bigger = 掲載される.

なんだってんだ here menas "What's it to you?", "What are you gonna do about it?", etc.

Not to confuse you more, it is the Kanto colloquial for 何だと言うのだ. Important thing is not to literally translate this phrase.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions. You are dealing with colloquial speech, which is very often more difficult to understand than formally written Japanese.

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(#443 (permalink))
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04-04-2011, 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
なんだってんだ here means "What's it to you?", "What are you gonna do about it?", etc.

Not to confuse you more, it is the Kanto colloquial for 何だと言うのだ. Important thing is not to literally translate this phrase.
Haha, I almost did translate it literally when I saw the 「って」. My brain instantly wanted to attach 'say' to the TL though the context helped keep me from doing so.

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Please don't hesitate to ask questions. You are dealing with colloquial speech, which is very often more difficult to understand than formally written Japanese.
Ah thanks, I just wanna make sure I've made a solid effort before I ask. I think I'm getting better at this sort of dialogue, thanks to you. It's odd that it seems all the shounen manga I pick up makes heavy use of Kanto colloquial speech but c'est la vie. It's good practice anyway.

Okay, a line I'm curious about is 「今何つった?」 which I can figure out from the context means something like "What did you just say?" but the 「つった」 part confuses me as I'm not sure which verb it is. I have an inkling it's related to the Kanto colloquial 「~っつの」 ("I'm tellin' ya~") we discussed on page 27, though I may be totally wrong.

Also, I wanna say in informal Japanese "TBH that sounds really embarrassing..." (on another forum there's this guy who supposedly knows Japanese and he wants the users on there to do something kinda lame), I've come up with "私ぶっちゃけ そういうことってマジ恥ずかしそうなんだよ ・・・" I hope I'm not copying the manga I'm reading too much but I don't want it to be too standard Japanese and hence easy to figure out. I know this is really childish and I'm probably not even gonna say it but I was just curious. Sorry for my crazy bad Japanese.
(#444 (permalink))
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04-04-2011, 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Okay, a line I'm curious about is 「今何つった?」 which I can figure out from the context means something like "What did you just say?" but the 「つった」 part confuses me as I'm not sure which verb it is. I have an inkling it's related to the Kanto colloquial 「~っつの」 ("I'm tellin' ya~") we discussed on page 27, though I may be totally wrong.
First, I want to make sure you (or anyone reading this) are reading the 何 correctly. It is read なん here.

「~~つった」 = 「~~と言った」。  Former is Kanto colloquial.

So, you are correct about this related to 「~っつの」 or 「~っつーの」.
Everytime you see つった、つって、つーの、つーか, the verb being used is 言う.

If you see 「ちゅー」 used instead of 「つっ」 or 「つ」 in the phrases above, you are seeing Kansai colloquial.

Also, I wanna say in informal Japanese "TBH that sounds really embarrassing..." (on another forum there's this guy who supposedly knows Japanese and he wants the users on there to do something kinda lame), I've come up with "私ぶっちゃけ そういうことってマジ恥ずかしそうなんだよ ・・・" I hope I'm not copying the manga I'm reading too much but I don't want it to be too standard Japanese and hence easy to figure out. I know this is really childish and I'm probably not even gonna say it but I was just curious. Sorry for my crazy bad Japanese.
Nice try but that is not how native speakers would phrase it. You don't generally use a pronoun like 私 in colloquial speech.

We would say it like:

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(#445 (permalink))
tokioprincess1 (Offline)
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04-04-2011, 07:11 PM

Hi! first of all I´m sorry for my bad english
I would like to ask You all, if anyone could translate the japanese text below. I wiol be very happy
I am sorry for interruping Your master converstion. I think this text is not that complicated.
Thank You very much and wish You a nice day!

ほうしゃのうが あぶないので, "tokioprincess" に会いたいけど、日本には、こないほうがいいかもしれ ません。
はやく 解決してほしいです。
(#446 (permalink))
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04-04-2011, 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by tokioprincess1 View Post
Hi! first of all I´m sorry for my bad english
I would like to ask You all, if anyone could translate the japanese text below. I wiol be very happy
I am sorry for interruping Your master converstion. I think this text is not that complicated.
Thank You very much and wish You a nice day!

ほうしゃのうが あぶないので, "tokioprincess" に会いたいけど、日本には、こないほうがいいかもしれ ません。
はやく 解決してほしいです。
Since the radiation is dangerous, while I really want to meet you, Tokyoprincess, it might be better if you don't come to Japan. I would like you to decide soon.
(#447 (permalink))
tokioprincess1 (Offline)
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04-04-2011, 08:29 PM

Since the radiation is dangerous, while I really want to meet you, Tokyoprincess, it might be better if you don't come to Japan. I would like you to decide soon.
Thank You very much
(#448 (permalink))
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04-04-2011, 10:02 PM

I'm particularly proud of myself because I translated that while I was on the phone in English with someone else. Gotta celebrate those little accomplishments when they come!

I remember when I was in undergrad and I was walking with my then-girlfriend (now-wife) speaking English, and basically the next two people I saw within 30 seconds of each other were my Chinese and Japanese professors. So let's just say I was not prepared at that time to speak so many languages at once.

An observation, then, for beginners of Japanese: one day you, too, will be able to operate in two languages at the same time! (Although hopefully better than I.)
(#449 (permalink))
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04-05-2011, 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by tokioprincess1 View Post
はやく 解決してほしいです。
does not mean:

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
I would like you to decide soon.
It means "I would like to see (the radiation problem) solved soon."

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(#450 (permalink))
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04-06-2011, 11:25 AM

Hello! I have one quick question for today.

Does ビックリ箱みたいな人 mean "a surprisingly secretive person"?
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