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(#581 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-25-2011, 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by lucagalbu View Post
Can you please tell me how to use the verb 会います? For example, what is the difference (if any) between:
A little reading I've done on this subject leads me to believe this is the answer:
に indicates more of sense that the goal is to meet specifically with the friend. と is more like it happened that it was the friend you met with.

For example,
AはBと会った。A met with B (but if B were replaced with C, the meeting still could have happened).
AはBに会った。A met with B (and B could not have been replaced).

I think it's kind of like if you go to negotiate something with another business, you could probably meet with any number of people in the other business, so と could work.

On the other hand, if you're negotiating appointing a new corporate board, maybe you need to meet specifically with the single largest shareholder of the corporation (shareholders select the corporate board, so you want the input of the most powerful shareholder). In this case, you would use に.

Regardless, in 99% of cases, I think you can use either one just fine.

Perhaps await an answer from a native, however. I think the summary of my answer is に indicates more purposeful action toward a specific person.

Also, maybe if you accidentally meet with someone, と might be suitable. 突然、ブラッドピットと会ったよ!
(#582 (permalink))
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04-25-2011, 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by lucagalbu View Post
Can you please tell me how to use the verb 会います? For example, what is the difference (if any) between:
Until you are near-fluent, no one will really care which one you use. When you get to that level, some people might care. Many, including native speakers, still will not.

Technically, it's all about the intentions and actual movement of each party. The arrows below indicate the direction of the physical movement.

Speaker--------->---------->----------->-------------> A's place or Random place

*Includes accidental bumping on the street.

Aさん会った Two parties wanted to meet each other.
Speaker--------->---------> Place X <--------<---------- A

*Place X can be either the Speaker or A's place. Point is they both agreed to meet.

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Also, maybe if you accidentally meet with someone, と might be suitable. 突然、ブラッドピットと会ったよ!
This means Pitt wanted to meet you as well. The two contacted each other and met up someplace.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.

Last edited by masaegu : 04-25-2011 at 03:24 PM.
(#583 (permalink))
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04-25-2011, 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Until you are near-fluent, no one will really care which one you use. When you get to that level, some people might care. Many, including native speakers, still will not.

Technically, it's all about the intentions and actual movement of each party. The arrows below indicate the direction of the physical movement.

Speaker--------->---------->----------->-------------> A's place or Random place

*Includes accidental bumping on the street.

Aさん会った Two parties wanted to meet each other.
Speaker--------->---------> Place X <--------<---------- A

*Place X can be either the Speaker or A's place. Point is they both agreed to meet.

This means Pitt wanted to meet you as well. The two contacted each other and met up someplace.
Thank you for the corrections!
(#584 (permalink))
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04-25-2011, 06:05 PM

Thank Masaegu and KyleGoetz for your help!

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(#585 (permalink))
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04-25-2011, 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
In just one post, you used the word あなた more times than the average Japanese person would in his lifetime. Have you not noticed that your buddy never uses it in her messages to you?

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All casual without being slangy.

You're right, never really noticed that. I'll study how you translated them with the few japanese characters I do know. And thank you!

(#586 (permalink))
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04-25-2011, 10:00 PM

One thing I've wondered about あなた: I know wives can refer to their husband as あなた, akin to "dear" in English. Like, to get her husband's attention, a wife might softly say あなた. Do husbands ever do that toward their wives? I guess I could look at my wife and say おい, but that's not so nice, now, is it?

Also, I never had to talk about my own wife in Japanese before, but on the anniversary of my wedding, I figure I might as well confirm: I say 家内 to refer to my own wife, right?
(#587 (permalink))
cloud9 (Offline)
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04-25-2011, 11:45 PM

For the dialogue,
A: テレビを消しましょうか。
B: いいえ、つけたままにしておいてください。

Why is にして used in B's reply? Is the function of it here the same as にする (I've decided...)? ...but then it follows with てください... would it be a set phrase for requesting to leave things on?: 「つけたままにしておいてください。」
(#588 (permalink))
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04-26-2011, 01:35 AM

btw, KyleGoetz, putting the anata thing aside, how did I do with my translations?

(#589 (permalink))
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04-26-2011, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by illstyle View Post
btw, KyleGoetz, putting the anata thing aside, how did I do with my translations?
masaegu's are correct. The ones you tried at first, well, they look like you put them in a machine to translate; i.e., not very good. It's why I asked if you were studying Japanese. I thought you had done Google Translate.

Keep studying hard and you will improve!
(#590 (permalink))
Realism (Offline)
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04-26-2011, 02:42 AM

YouTube - もしあなたが裁判員に選ばれたら 1/2

What is the guy saying at 2:32?


And the girl at 3:05.。。What does she say?


Last edited by Realism : 04-26-2011 at 02:44 AM.
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