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(#691 (permalink))
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05-04-2011, 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
悟る is a pretty big word meaning "to perceive (with a great amount of intelligence)".
Indeed. And for the benefit of learners, 悟, as a kanji, connotes enlightenment or depth of mind.

覚悟 = (mental) readiness
悟り = enlightenment
悟性 = wisdom

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 05-04-2011 at 11:46 PM.
(#692 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
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05-05-2011, 01:55 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
I need help with some dialogue;
I'm pretty sure the speaker is saying "Your quickness to lose your composure will get you killed." but I'm not sure.
Word to word literal translation would be;
"(Your) becoming emotional easily will be fatal".

It is a big problem of you to become so excited at little things.

So you got it right, I think.
(#693 (permalink))
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05-05-2011, 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by Supperman View Post
Word to word literal translation would be;
"(Your) becoming emotional easily will be fatal".

It is a big problem of you to become so excited at little things.

So you got it right, I think.
Thank you Supperman! I wasn't sure what the literal translation would be so I just went for (what I thought was) the general meaning. Thanks for the translation and second opinion

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?
(#694 (permalink))
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05-05-2011, 03:31 PM

Ok, this is not actually my question, but a question I found in another forum. It got me rather curious. Someone asked for the meaning of the phrase 闘う意味はそれでいい. Now, I have seen and used before Xという意味, but never a verb right before 意味. I looked online and I noticed it not an uncommon thing...so now I keep wondering about the meaning. At first sight I would just translate it as "fighting is OK" seeing as 意味 not the grammatical meaning of 闘う, but more a concept/moral meaning...am I far?

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
(#695 (permalink))
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05-05-2011, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Ok, this is not actually my question, but a question I found in another forum. It got me rather curious. Someone asked for the meaning of the phrase 闘う意味はそれでいい. Now, I have seen and used before Xという意味, but never a verb right before 意味. I looked online and I noticed it not an uncommon thing...so now I keep wondering about the meaning. At first sight I would just translate it as "fighting is OK" seeing as 意味 not the grammatical meaning of 闘う, but more a concept/moral meaning...am I far?
Context would be needed if it were available. The phrase is so short and it could mean different things.

The structure of the phrase itself, as you said, is pretty normal.

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(#696 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
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05-06-2011, 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Ok, this is not actually my question, but a question I found in another forum. It got me rather curious. Someone asked for the meaning of the phrase 闘う意味はそれでいい. Now, I have seen and used before Xという意味, but never a verb right before 意味. I looked online and I noticed it not an uncommon thing...so now I keep wondering about the meaning. At first sight I would just translate it as "fighting is OK" seeing as 意味 not the grammatical meaning of 闘う, but more a concept/moral meaning...am I far?
If I see that, without more context, I would imagine the followings.
意味 here is "大義名分" or "意義”  or ”理由づけ” "目的".
=たたかうことの意味はそれでいい。(たたかうという� �味はそれでいい。)
=「たたかう」ことの大義名分はそれでいい。 or 「たたかう」ことの意義はそれでいい。
The purpose of the fight is OK.
The reason of the fight is OK.
The significance of the fight is OK.

For example;
「組合員のくらしを守るために闘う。」 闘う意味はそ れでいい。(闘うことの意義についてはそれで良いと認 めてあげますが、) しかし問題は、タイミングだ。会 社が倒産するかしないかの大事な時にあえてストライキ を起こすのは自殺行為に等しい。しかも集団自殺!

Last edited by Supperman : 05-06-2011 at 11:03 AM.
(#697 (permalink))
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05-06-2011, 02:34 PM

Thank you very much. In effect I was more interested in the form more than the actual meaning (and no sorry I have no more context).
I ignored the fact that for ことの意味 and という意味 I could omit ことの and という.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
(#698 (permalink))
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05-07-2011, 01:07 AM

Hey guys, I had some more listening stuff I wanted to be sure about, if anyone isn't too busy:

1. Dailymotion - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episode 80 Subbed (1/2) - a Film & TV video

At about 4:30 in that video. I'm trying to listen to the voice that says まったく, but I can't really make out the rest of his line because of the girl's voice, so I was hoping someone might have a better ear. Sounds something like, 「まったく、ででにしちゃって…」 to me, so after a quick lookup, I thought it might have to do with dedication.

2. Dailymotion - 81 qs clip - a Film & TV video

a) At about 0:17, he says, "これこそクイズをたくといわれたぼくの自信のデッキ" (I'm assuming, based on his lack of confidence so far until he gets this game show persona going, that it's 自信 and not 自身.) I was thinking the part in red might be クイズオタク, and since オタク also means "enthusiast", I had it translated as "This is what I call my 'Quiz Buff' deck of confidence." to get the "enthusiast/'geek'" thing across (like how we call people who are into movies "Movie Buffs"). Just wanted a second opinion on this one to make sure I'm hearing it right.

b1) Around 1:12, he says, "おたくが持ってる運や体力なんて生まれ付いてのもの." , and I translated that as "All that luck and endurance you have--you were born with them." Just wanted to get it double-checked.

b2) After that, he says, "そんなものでめだってる方がズルでしょう?", which I translated as "Wouldn't the one standing out with them be the sneaky one?", but I wanted to make sure I was getting めだってる's meaning (and the general gist) right here.

Thanks in advance, as always. =]
(#699 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
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05-07-2011, 01:44 AM

まったくデレデレしちゃって is it.
クイズおたく is correct.

I don't know the interpretation, because my English is poor.
(#700 (permalink))
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05-07-2011, 02:37 AM

Good evening everybody Need a wee bit of help with dialogue.
"I couldn't believe it at first but

a power unknown to the world is the greatest weapon"

I don't know what 「にわかには」 means, and the way I translated the first line (in bold) doesn't the context well. Thanks as always

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?
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