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05-05-2011, 01:55 AM
"(Your) becoming emotional easily will be fatal". It is a big problem of you to become so excited at little things. So you got it right, I think. |
05-05-2011, 02:15 AM
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05-05-2011, 03:31 PM
Ok, this is not actually my question, but a question I found in another forum. It got me rather curious. Someone asked for the meaning of the phrase 闘う意味はそれでいい. Now, I have seen and used before Xという意味, but never a verb right before 意味. I looked online and I noticed it not an uncommon thing...so now I keep wondering about the meaning. At first sight I would just translate it as "fighting is OK" seeing as 意味 not the grammatical meaning of 闘う, but more a concept/moral meaning...am I far?
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ 辛い時こそ胸を張れ |
05-05-2011, 03:39 PM
The structure of the phrase itself, as you said, is pretty normal. Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind. |
05-06-2011, 10:56 AM
意味 here is "大義名分" or "意義” or ”理由づけ” "目的". たたかう意味はそれでいい。 =たたかうことの意味はそれでいい。(たたかうという� �味はそれでいい。) =「たたかう」ことの大義名分はそれでいい。 or 「たたかう」ことの意義はそれでいい。 The purpose of the fight is OK. The reason of the fight is OK. The significance of the fight is OK. For example; 「組合員のくらしを守るために闘う。」 闘う意味はそ れでいい。(闘うことの意義についてはそれで良いと認 めてあげますが、) しかし問題は、タイミングだ。会 社が倒産するかしないかの大事な時にあえてストライキ を起こすのは自殺行為に等しい。しかも集団自殺! |
05-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Thank you very much. In effect I was more interested in the form more than the actual meaning (and no sorry I have no more context).
I ignored the fact that for ことの意味 and という意味 I could omit ことの and という. 暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ 辛い時こそ胸を張れ |
05-07-2011, 01:07 AM
Hey guys, I had some more listening stuff I wanted to be sure about, if anyone isn't too busy:
1. Dailymotion - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episode 80 Subbed (1/2) - a Film & TV video At about 4:30 in that video. I'm trying to listen to the voice that says まったく, but I can't really make out the rest of his line because of the girl's voice, so I was hoping someone might have a better ear. Sounds something like, 「まったく、ででにしちゃって…」 to me, so after a quick lookup, I thought it might have to do with dedication. 2. Dailymotion - 81 qs clip - a Film & TV video a) At about 0:17, he says, "これこそクイズをたくといわれたぼくの自信のデッキ" (I'm assuming, based on his lack of confidence so far until he gets this game show persona going, that it's 自信 and not 自身.) I was thinking the part in red might be クイズオタク, and since オタク also means "enthusiast", I had it translated as "This is what I call my 'Quiz Buff' deck of confidence." to get the "enthusiast/'geek'" thing across (like how we call people who are into movies "Movie Buffs"). Just wanted a second opinion on this one to make sure I'm hearing it right. b1) Around 1:12, he says, "おたくが持ってる運や体力なんて生まれ付いてのもの." , and I translated that as "All that luck and endurance you have--you were born with them." Just wanted to get it double-checked. b2) After that, he says, "そんなものでめだってる方がズルでしょう?", which I translated as "Wouldn't the one standing out with them be the sneaky one?", but I wanted to make sure I was getting めだってる's meaning (and the general gist) right here. Thanks in advance, as always. =] |
05-07-2011, 02:37 AM
Good evening everybody
![]() 「にわかには信じられなかったが "I couldn't believe it at first but 世に知られていない力は最強の武器だ」 a power unknown to the world is the greatest weapon" I don't know what 「にわかには」 means, and the way I translated the first line (in bold) doesn't the context well. Thanks as always ![]() |
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