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05-08-2011, 12:11 PM
There's a few questions I would like to ask today.
1. http://i.imgur.com/aJoHb.jpg ダス〇ンも顔負けです I'm trying to figure out the censored kana. Does anyone have any idea of what it might be? It doesn't seem to be a sensitive word here. 2. http://i.imgur.com/3Es97.jpg I'm trying to find out the English name for this kind of confectionary. Is ビスケットサンドアイス the same as this one? Or is it different? 3. 千早さまが通いづらいのなら内部から変えていかねばと 思いまして Can someone please tell me what it means when a verb in its negative conditional form is used with 思う like in the sentence above? |
05-08-2011, 12:58 PM
Google and find out what this company does. It should fit the context. 2. That is it. 3. It means "I think I must (verb)". |
05-08-2011, 02:57 PM
The 物 part of 物静か has nothing to do with "object". It is a prefix meaning "somewhat" or "somehow". It is only used with limited words, such as 物静か、物寂しい、物悲しい、物めずらしい, etc. The difference between 物静かな性格 and 静かな性格 is very subtle. I would say that the former was preferred among better writers/speakers. The former puts a little more emphasis on the "composed" part of the personality while the latter says one is plain "quiet". Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind. |
05-08-2011, 03:07 PM
As for #2, the English is "ice cream sandwich." The katakana is ビスケットサンドアイス, an excellent example of 和製英語 in that it is a portmanteau of "biscuit," "sandwich," and "ice cream." |
05-09-2011, 01:44 PM
Hi guys. Are any of you free to have a look at my thread?
http://www.japanforum.com/forum/gene...eo-guitar.html It's a guitar related video that I need help translating. Thank you, E |
05-10-2011, 12:30 AM
Hey it's me again the person who ask alot of questions lol. I have 4 sentences I made doing a practice from genki workbook. I just wanna make sure there right thx for the help.
1)きむらさんはねんせいですか。 よんねんせい。 2)きむらさんはせんこうですか。 れきしです。 3)きむらさんはなんさいですか。 じゅうきゅうさいです。 4)きむらさんはでんわばんごうですか。 よんさんのろくきゅういちななです。 Ps. They provided the answer but I had to form the question.. ![]() |
05-10-2011, 01:01 AM
よねんせいです。 You need to end the sentence with です at this level of "formality." Match です with です. #2 きむらさんのせんこうはなんですか。Your attempt says "Is Mr. Kimura an academic major?" れきしがくです。 Your attempt used the word "history" as in actual history as opposed to "the subject history." #3 correct! #4 きむらさんのでんわばんごうはなんですか。 As for your answer, it's not a real Japanese phone number, and also there's some weirdish stuff about phone numbers that I can't remember off the top of my head and Google is failing me. Some of the numbers are altered slightly I think. But you got it right that the dash is pronounced の. Your translation attempt says "Is Mr. Kimura a telephone number?" You made the same mistake twice. I suggest you re-read how to use the particle の. Of course, assuming you are speaking about Mr. Kimura or to him about himself already, you don't need to use the の at all, and can just leave きむらさん totally out of the questions: でんわばんごうは(なんですか)? せんこうは(なんですか)? |
05-10-2011, 01:15 AM
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