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(#751 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
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05-21-2011, 05:20 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Did you read the question?
Oh, thank you, masaegu, for you suggestion.
I have to say, "no, I didn't."
I misread it.
I did handwriting-input-search, and sent it to him without caution.

Sorry, KyleGoetz, for my redundant posts.

Last edited by Supperman : 05-21-2011 at 07:15 AM.
(#752 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
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05-21-2011, 07:52 AM

It doesn't appear in my Chinese dictionary either...
(#753 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 01:14 PM

Here is what I'm working with. . Given the person's real name, what supperman suggested might be correct even though the てんてん is flipped upside down in mine. But then again, my idea is the right half would help with pronunciation, so "pan" would be my guess of pinyin for the middle kanji in this image (given that the right half is ハン in Japanese, "pan" in pinyin doesn't seem too far off).

The first is ke1 and last is xi1, and the person has "Poncé" in the name, so I'm thinking if the middle is "pan" of some sort, then "panxi1" sounds like "Poncé." The last name begins with a "kr" sound, so ke1 seems typical to me for how the name might be rendered into Chinese. My own "Goetz" was rendered by Taiwanese elders I knew growing up as "ge3." In Chinese class at university, it was "ge3" still.

But this story veers way off topic. Here's the image I'm working with. I believe the back story is her mother, when they lived in China years and years ago, had a Chinese friend there render the name for my friend for government documents and such. My friend just doesn't actually know anything about it other than this is something like her name in Chinese. Neither of these people are the type to get some dumb uneducated person to do this, and the family may have even paid good money to have this done years ago.

In any case, I'll go brave a Chinese forum to see if I can get help before this Japanese Help thread becomes a Chinese Help thread

I'll probably delete some of the more personal details about my friend and her family in a couple days (the friend is from a famous family), so do me a favor and any response to this post please don't include things I've said about the family.

Thank you.

Edit Sorry about the size of the image. Would you believe it is very, very tiny on the document I scanned?

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 05-21-2011 at 01:31 PM.
(#754 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 03:09 PM

After some research, I am leaning towards the idea that the two kanji would be identical. The one using 半 appears to be the newer form of the other. If this were important, however, which it seems to be, I would consult an educated Chinese native speaker.

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(#755 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 04:02 PM

Hey guys im still on Genki leson 3 im learning ませんか。I just want to make sure im not messing up grammer wise so i have a couple sentences.


Planning on saving y leave to take a trip to japan !! ( Researching right now though)
(#756 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Darnellrbts View Post
Hey guys im still on Genki leson 3 im learning ませんか。I just want to make sure im not messing up grammer wise so i have a couple sentences.

No problem grammar-wise.

Questions are:
Do you know what the sentences mean?
Who is the addressee in each sentence?

Thing is each sentence can mean two completely different things. Which form of ませんか are you learning in this lesson?

Sentence #1 can mean:
1. Isn't Ken'ichi going to the library tomorrow? AND
2. Aren't you going to the library tomorrow, Ken'ichi?

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(#757 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
No problem grammar-wise.

Questions are:
Do you know what the sentences mean?
Who is the addressee in each sentence?

Thing is each sentence can mean two completely different things. Which form of ませんか are you learning in this lesson?

Sentence #1 can mean:
1. Isn't Ken'ichi going to the library tomorrow? AND
2. Aren't you going to the library tomorrow, Ken'ichi?

The lesson im learning is how to extend an invitation, using the present tense negatvive verb, and question particle. i was trying to say would Ken'ichi are you going to the libary tomorrow. and Ken'ichi would you like to play tennis today.

Planning on saving y leave to take a trip to japan !! ( Researching right now though)
(#758 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by Darnellrbts View Post
The lesson im learning is how to extend an invitation, using the present tense negatvive verb, and question particle. i was trying to say would Ken'ichi are you going to the libary tomorrow. and Ken'ichi would you like to play tennis today.
Gotcha. So Ken'ichi is the addressee.

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(#759 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Gotcha. So Ken'ichi is the addressee.
yep so i was doing it right?? I aslo want to say thx for helping me with the question i ask .

Planning on saving y leave to take a trip to japan !! ( Researching right now though)
(#760 (permalink))
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05-21-2011, 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Darnellrbts View Post
yep so i was doing it right?? I aslo want to say thx for helping me with the question i ask .
Yeah, no problem. And don't mention it: I liked it in NC when I went there (before you were born). Missing the drawl, pecan pie, iced tea, really just about everything from the South lately.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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