06-03-2009, 07:41 AM
I think "intermediate" is a good choice.
I'd just like to point out that I think very few people ever move from (3) to (4). It's also a huge leap.
Even fewer (almost none) move from (4) to (5). I think maybe years upon years of living in the country OR growing up there is about the only way to attain level (5). OR being some sort of language savant.
Edit: @chryuop: When I mean "flawless," I mean "flawless compared to how a(n average) native speaker sounds." So a native, by default, sounds like a native. Whether I sound like a Genovese or Neapolitan, I'd still sound like a native. Even a Pakistani who sounds exactly like a chav would still be speaking English as a native. But I suppose this would never occur in fact.
Last edited by KyleGoetz : 06-03-2009 at 07:43 AM.