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03-19-2010, 12:10 PM
I'm happy in the world of MOON SPIRAL ?? Pourquoi, mon amie? Did the original look that simple? "Until then, I would be happy if you stayed indulged in the world of MOON SPIRAL." あんまり聴くと雪が降るけどね・・・笑 but to hearing too much make snow falls isn't? lol Correct. 2) 画像は頂いたキーホルダー a picture of a keychain I received "The pic is of the keychain that I received." 心の鍵をお開けいたしましょうか? key of the heart/open/ I shall? (sorry I don't understand what mean) "Shall I open the lock to your heart?" 3) 僕の事を言ってくれたみたいで... I would like to say ?? Munzy, please study あげる/くれる/もらう this weekend. Your Japanese will be much better if you do. "It looks like (someone) told (someone else) about me." 4)最近は机の上に花を飾ってます Recently, I'm decorating the top of the desk with flowers Good. 5)作業デスクのキャンドルに癒されます the candle on the desktop is soothing Great. 6)曲を早く形にしたいです I want to give a shape to the song quickly "I would like for the song to take shape soon." 7)久しぶりにお会いしたのですが僕の事もブログに書いて くれてるみたいで since we met after long time, I would like to write in the blog me too (?) Hmm... "I met (someone) after a long time and it seemed s/he had been writing about me in his/her blog." |
03-19-2010, 12:18 PM
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03-23-2010, 04:15 PM
Hello, I have doubts to translate this, I understand the words, in general, but I have difficulty to formulate a proper translation, maybe it's written in a too much 'colloqual' language?
求めてくれる人、好きでいてくれる人に対して裏切って はならないという使命感、責任感。 To search someone? ---- I don't know, how to translate... really... 好きで居てくれる人を好きになる傾向にも通じている。 希望に応えることで、相手が喜び、それが自身の喜びと なる. さっちゃんは、自分では無い誰か(ファン)のために歌 を歌う。闇を照す。「砂」と「月」、その「光」 月かな?私には、別のもののような気がする……けどそ れは言わない。ちなみに、矛先は白い羽を生やした精霊 に向いているのでは無いかという私の身勝手な憶測。 I'll study carefully the example gives with this translation to understand why it was difficult for me to translate this... Thank you. |
03-24-2010, 12:44 AM
![]() "To search someone"? I thought you said you would study くれる last time. "Verb + くれる" means "someone does something for you", not "you do something". |
03-24-2010, 10:45 AM
yes... you have right, that's why I can't translate... but I don't know.. it's different from other phrases in some way...
I would like if someone could translate to me, because I need to know what there's written, but it's not for my studies, it's for curiosity... can you help me please? It's a deep sentence I believe.. ![]() |
03-24-2010, 10:58 AM
Ops, sorry, I forget to write this:
I study for example this example: いつもメッセージもチェックしてくれてありがとうね thank you for (who do something for me) to check always my messages or 聴いてくれて that mean someone "have listen to" , "people who listen it"etc... etc... but I leave incomplete that phrase, I wrote "to search someone" in general way... 求めてくれる人 it's the people who search someone ^.^' sorry I was not clear... but the rest of the phrase, really I can't translate, it's just for curiosity if someone can translate, it's something I would like to know what mean. |
03-24-2010, 02:35 PM
"A sense of mission, a sense of responsibility that keeps telling me that I should never cheat those who want me and who like me." Quote:
"Sa-chan sings songs for others that aren't himself (fans). It lightens the darkness. "Sand" and "moon" Is this light the moon? I feel it's something else, but I won't say what it is. By the way, I have a selfish conjecture that the spearhead is probably pointed at the spirit with white feathers." I've said this many times and I must say it again even if you won't listen. If you are serious about your Japanese studies, you should not use these writings as your study materials. These writings are aweful. |
03-24-2010, 03:11 PM
Thanks again for the help,
sorry if I use sometimes wrong words, but I don't know english well too... I know you have right, I really want to learn japanese, I'm associating these blog translations to grammar books, but I'm studing by myself , so it's hard... sometimes I try to translate these things because I really have the esigence to know what there's written in these blogs, but I'm continuing to study grammar... And... sigh, my memory is not the best, I continue to forget rules... For example the rule for 'くれる' (if it's the same thing of "くれた" at the past sentence) I'd already study it, I know that mean something someone give/do/to let one give, but in the moment that I need to applicate this rule in a real sentence, I don't know how to put evertything together.. I know already a lot of things in grammar, but really, when I find these long sentences, it become all complicated... It's not that I don't want to listen the advises... really... I'm trying my best... but it's really hard japanese... ![]() Ah, here I don't understand one thing, there's a "無い" something that' s is not, is not existent, so it should be something not existent/not had/not being? ちなみに、矛先は白い羽を生やした精霊に向いているの では無いかという私の身勝手な憶測 "By the way, I have a selfish conjecture that the spearhead is probably pointed at the spirit with white feathers" |
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