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Help passing an online Japanese class? :X - 01-23-2010, 08:49 PM

Hi, I'm Morticia, an I need a bit of help. I had to take an online Japanese course to finish my High School education, and long story short, I got sick, had to have a surgery, and got kicked out by my parents. So, needless to say, it's been a little difficult finishing a lot of the assignments or having the time to really sit down and learn the language properly. I thought that if I found someone fluent in it and showed them my assignments and got help translation/finishing my assignments I would get more out of it that just trying to speed through it alone and hope for the best.
If you want to or can help me I would really appreciate it. I want to learn as much as I can, and get this finished so I can move on to better things and go on to college. ^.^ <3
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(#2 (permalink))
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01-23-2010, 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by Morticia View Post
Hi, I'm Morticia, an I need a bit of help. I had to take an online Japanese course to finish my High School education, and long story short, I got sick, had to have a surgery, and got kicked out by my parents. So, needless to say, it's been a little difficult finishing a lot of the assignments or having the time to really sit down and learn the language properly. I thought that if I found someone fluent in it and showed them my assignments and got help translation/finishing my assignments I would get more out of it that just trying to speed through it alone and hope for the best.
If you want to or can help me I would really appreciate it. I want to learn as much as I can, and get this finished so I can move on to better things and go on to college. ^.^ <3
Post some questions.
Also, wooooah, your parents kicked you out of the house after you needed surgery? What a bunch of assholes. I hope you told, like, all their neighbors and worked to ruin their reputation in the community. That's awful.
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(#3 (permalink))
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01-23-2010, 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Post some questions.
Also, wooooah, your parents kicked you out of the house after you needed surgery? What a bunch of assholes. I hope you told, like, all their neighbors and worked to ruin their reputation in the community. That's awful.
Yeah, I haven't talked to them in like 9 months, and I don't intend on ever talking to them again :P Everyone in the town I lived in knows what they did, people pretty much hate them now. They kicked me out and took my car 2 days before my surgery. The car was still in their name to lower the insurance.... Annnyway.
Here's an example of one of my assignments:

Reading Assignment
Read the passage in Japanese and then answer the questions that follow using complete sentences and Japanese that you have learned in this course. Any words that you have not seen yet will be translated into English. This assignment is worth 20 points.

こんにちは。たなか ひろしです。いま ほっかいどう に すんでいます。
しゅっしんは とうきょうです。ぼくの がっこうは  とても(=very) 
おおきいです。そして きれいです。がっこうは さっ ぽろに あります。

ぼくの かばん(=bag)に きょうかしょと えいごの じ しょと Tシャツが 
あります。きょうは げつようびです。げつようびは  えいごと すうがくと 
たいいくと せいぶつの じゅぎょうが あります。ぼ くは えいごが 
だいすきです(=like very much)。えいごの せんせいは やまだせんせいです。
やまだせんせいは せが たかいです。そして とても (=very) ハンサムです。

1. たなかさんは しゅっしんは どこですか。
2. たなかさんの がっこうは おおきいですか。ちいさい ですか。
3. たなかさんの がっこうは きれいですか。
4. たなかさんの がっこうは どこに ありますか。
5. たなかさんの かばん(=bag)に きょうかしょが ありま すか。
6. きょうは なんようびですか。
7. きょうは なんの じゅぎょうが ありますか。
8. たなかさんの えいごの せんせいは せが たかいで すか。ひくいですか。
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(#4 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 12:34 AM

I can answer all of those questions but would it not be better for you to give us your answers so far and get corrections? This should be a learning experience should it not?
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(#5 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 12:42 AM

JF is not a cheat center.

I really don't feel comfortable with someone posting homework/test questions and having us answer them.

I agree with Kyle. You post your answers to the questions and maybe someone can help you.

There is obviously something missing from the original story, because no parents would kick their child out of the house for simply getting sick.

If she had to have surgery because she ODed on drugs for the 5th time or had to have surgery because she got stabbed in a gang fight then we are getting a more compete story.
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(#6 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 12:44 AM

I never had the time to actually learn the language well enough to do most of it, with all of the drama on my end. I did the first two sections on my own and the other three I've done about 1/3 of them on my own. I've done pretty much all I can do on my own, but at this point I just need to focus on getting it done in time to get my diploma.. After that, I'm going to start over and learn it seriously.
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(#7 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 12:54 AM

Go ahead and post your answers to the questions above and you may be able to get some help.
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(#8 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by Morticia View Post
I never had the time to actually learn the language well enough to do most of it, with all of the drama on my end. I did the first two sections on my own and the other three I've done about 1/3 of them on my own. I've done pretty much all I can do on my own, but at this point I just need to focus on getting it done in time to get my diploma.. After that, I'm going to start over and learn it seriously.
Have you no idea how to answer those 8 questions at all? If you make your guesses I will correct them for you and tell you why.
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(#9 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 01:09 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
JF is not a cheat center.

I really don't feel comfortable with someone posting homework/test questions and having us answer them.

I agree with Kyle. You post your answers to the questions and maybe someone can help you.

There is obviously something missing from the original story, because no parents would kick their child out of the house for simply getting sick.

If she had to have surgery because she ODed on drugs for the 5th time or had to have surgery because she got stabbed in a gang fight then we are getting a more compete story.
I'm a little offended at the accusation, but I understand why you would assume I'm trying to cheat. I had a reconstructive hip surgery from a tumor that destroyed my hip 3 years ago and I needed to have the second surgery to reconstruct the socket that hadn't grown back correctly from the graphting and was pretty much a hole. The first surgery was pretty brutal, and was a massive cancer scare, but I was on the mend soon enough. I had had the tumor in my hip for 6 years without knowing it and had been badgering my parents all those years to take me to the doctor for it but they never did, and over those years I had constant fractures and dislocations that were so painful but they would just tell me it was growing pains.. Soon enough, I fell on it and shattered it and was paralyzed so my parents were forced to take me to the hospital and get me treated.
As for being kicked out, it wasn't both of my parent's that did the kicking out, but my mother didn't help the situation at all.My father did all the yelling and banishing me from the house, while she sat by being quiet and didn't defend me all because "she was sick of fighting." So she let him banish me from the house and take my car, all this 2 days before my most recent surgery, just because she was tired of fighting with him. My dad had/has a tendency to take out his anger on whoever is the closest person to him. I'm not going to go into the verbally abusive past, but he would basically yell at the first person in his family that he say do something remotely wrong. He actually kicked me out once for not doing the dishes when I was still recovering from my first surgery. After that, when I returned to the house 2 weeks later at the request of my mother, he wouldn't talk to me or look at me for months.
As for my school work, it had been dropping because I also have Crohn's disease which is a very painful and incurable intestinal disease that is inflamed mostly by stress and it arises usually when a teen goes through a very emotionally traumatic event. It would literally leave me curled up, holding my stomach and screaming for days. But would suddenly go away whenever I had no stress in my life. I would be home for week out of the school year but kept my grades in passing range until the school messed up my transcript and didn't give me credit for 3 credits only a few months before graduation. So, I had to sign up for a Japanese Online course because it was the only thing they would pay for. I did about half of the course before my father kicked me out the final time. His reasoning for this was that I was pretending to be sick, using my hip as a crutch, and that I wasn't going to graduate so why waste his time and money on me living in his house. His other reasoning for kicking me out was the person that I was dating. Even though this person had supported me more than my father ever did, and was nothing but respectful and loving, my father instantly hated them and wouldn't even give them the courtesy of a hello if they were in the same room. This person actually bought me a new computer so my parents wouldn't have to, would buy me gas so my parents didn't have to and other things that were all done to help me or my parents live easier.

As much as I'm sure people would like to believe, not all parents are unconditionally loving and understanding. Mine were neglectful and would basically start fights with any of their children over nothing. And I'm sure you might think automatically "Every child says that their parents are horrible and that they fight with them for no reason." and I have no way to prove to you that I'm telling the truth or any way to show you exactly what crap I've had to deal with over the past nine months, but I hope that telling you the full story would help you understand.
Let's face it, every parent in the world isn't a good one just because they're a parent. Parent's do not HAVE to love their children, but good ones do. Everyone in the world isn't decent and loving, that applies to parents too.

Honestly, if you all aren't 'comfortable' helping me then I don't mind going elsewhere and not bothering you all with what you see as cheating. But I would appreciate it if the first bit of banter I have with the people on this site isn't insulting my personal life when you have no grounds or background information on me to do so.

Last edited by Morticia : 01-24-2010 at 01:20 AM.
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(#10 (permalink))
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01-24-2010, 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by Morticia View Post
Yeah, I haven't talked to them in like 9 months, and I don't intend on ever talking to them again :P Everyone in the town I lived in knows what they did, people pretty much hate them now. They kicked me out and took my car 2 days before my surgery. The car was still in their name to lower the insurance.... Annnyway.
Here's an example of one of my assignments:

Reading Assignment
Read the passage in Japanese and then answer the questions that follow using complete sentences and Japanese that you have learned in this course. Any words that you have not seen yet will be translated into English. This assignment is worth 20 points.

こんにちは。たなか ひろしです。いま ほっかいどう に すんでいます。
しゅっしんは とうきょうです。ぼくの がっこうは  とても(=very) 
おおきいです。そして きれいです。がっこうは さっ ぽろに あります。

ぼくの かばん(=bag)に きょうかしょと えいごの じ しょと Tシャツが 
あります。きょうは げつようびです。げつようびは  えいごと すうがくと 
たいいくと せいぶつの じゅぎょうが あります。ぼ くは えいごが 
だいすきです(=like very much)。えいごの せんせいは やまだせんせいです。
やまだせんせいは せが たかいです。そして とても (=very) ハンサムです。

1. たなかさんは しゅっしんは どこですか。
2. たなかさんの がっこうは おおきいですか。ちいさい ですか。
3. たなかさんの がっこうは きれいですか。
4. たなかさんの がっこうは どこに ありますか。
5. たなかさんの かばん(=bag)に きょうかしょが ありま すか。
6. きょうは なんようびですか。
7. きょうは なんの じゅぎょうが ありますか。
8. たなかさんの えいごの せんせいは せが たかいで すか。ひくいですか。
I believe you about your story, but still: you gotta make a little effort to get help here. Why don't you try telling us what you read the paragraph as saying and we can go from there.
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