Originally Posted by pacerier
cool =) i didn't know that. anyways, what may be the primary difference between 社員 and 職員?
You love splitting hairs, dontcha?

In private companies, those are mostly used interchangeably. For certain terms, however, they aren't interchangeable. Are you sure you need to know them and you are going to remember them?
職員会議・XXX部職員(member of XXX dept.)・職員録
Also, is 毎年 more commonly read as まいとし or まいねん? And if we have 毎年毎年 to mean “year after year”, will it be read as まいとしまいとし or まいねんまいねん. Similarly, what’s the preferred pronounciation for 毎月 (まいげつ / まいつき) and 毎月毎月.
毎年 is more commonly read まいとし.
毎年毎年 is more commonly read まいとしまいとし.
毎月 is always read まいつき.
毎月毎月 ---> Why don't you guess?