I've decided that practicing Japanese through tanslation would be a good way for me to get a good hang on the Japanese sentence structures. So, I picked this Japanese fairy tail as my starting point, because I figured it would be a piece of cake.
Guess what? I'm stuck on the first sentence! LOL!

Here's the sentece:
むかし むかし こどもが いない おじいさんと お ばあさんが かみさまに おねがいを すると こうび くらいの おとこのこが うまれました。
The part that I cannot figure out the meaning of is こゆびくらい. little finger + black = ???
If anyone is willing to give their own translation of this sentence so that I can compare it with mine, that would be cool too! XD
I'll be posting any other translation problems with this fairy tail that I might have (probably in the 2nd sentence) here as well, so that I don't spam the forum with my questions!
Thanks ~