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05-11-2010, 05:24 AM
For me it was most important to know shitloads of vocab, and have good reading comprehension skills (under pressure.. which really sucks...). Grammar-after I knew a certain number of advanced concepts it did not deserve much attention. Listening.. yeah.. really random.. could never get a consistent score.. Anyhow I know you did not ask for advice on study methods so I will stop talking, but I do wish you the best of luck on the new test, I hear you will have to be able to pass all sections on the thing now, so I suppose every effort will really count. 頑張れ! ![]() |
05-25-2010, 03:36 AM
「親善」と「友情」は意味的な共通点が多いのですが、 用法が180度違います。
親善 is between groups, cities, nations, etc. 国際親善、日米親善、親善試合、ETC. 友情 is mostly between individuals. オレたちの友情、永遠の友情、友情出演(in theatrical works)、ETC. 友情 is more of an everyday word than 親善, too. ______ 「要望」と「要求」は意味が違います。 「要望」は「できればこうしてほしい」、「可能ならこ うしてほしい」という意味の柔らかいことばです。お願 いをしているニュアンスです。 「要求」は「これとあれがほしい。」というような語感 の強いことばです。「これとあれが入手できるのは当然 である。」というニュアンスがあります。 |
05-31-2010, 07:02 PM
I have a couple more vocabulary questions that have popped up over the past few days of kanji/vocab studies:
How are 税関 and 関税 different? Both are some variation on "customs" like the thing you go through when importing products into your country, right? Both 即座に and 即時に mean "immediately," but is there any time difference between them? I know I am nitpicking stuff, but this type of thing is what reinforces the meanings of the words for me, rather than just accepting that I know it means "immediately" and skipping to the next flashcard. |
06-01-2010, 03:44 AM
関税 means "tariffs". The last kanji is the base meaning of the word. 税関 is a checkpoint. 関税 is a tax. Quote:
The biggest and most important difference I can think of is that 即座 cannot be followed by another kanji word while 即時 can. e.g. 即時撤退= immediate withdrawal, 即時取り引き= a direct transaction, 即時払い= cash on the spot, etc. 即座 is mostly used for an adjective with の or an adverb with に. |
07-07-2010, 06:14 PM
Now I'm trying to translate this sentence in a Wikipedia article about Yukiko Todoroki:
Thanks! Edit: What the heck is a 失明騒ぎ? Some sort of uproar that causes blindness? This makes me think of a sandstorm, but it surely must be a figure of speech! Is it a blackout? Temporary blindness? |
07-07-2010, 06:55 PM
Except maybe for the fact that 巻 doesn't mean "scroll" here. It means "volume (in books)" or "reel (in films)".
"It has been said that, as a background to this casting, it was an avenge by the existing four companies aganst Toho's headhunting of Hasegawa." Quote:
I'll go blind if I type another line. Been typing for 20 straight hours today. |
07-12-2010, 03:21 PM
OK, a new set of words that are similar in meaning to me. How are they different?
推理する 推論する 推測する 推定する (Haha, yes, I did get all four of these from the 推-vocabulary section of my book.) And Sashimister, thanks for the help on the past few questions I've had! |
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