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Arriving in work on time - 06-24-2010, 12:22 PM

I didn't know what else to call this, sorry haha.

Basically, I'm writing a diary in Japanese so I can practice more. What I have tried to write, 95% from what I already know/think I know, is that I have work today, but I woke up late. Despite this, I arrived at the office on time because I ran.
I have come up with 2 versions:

今会社にいる。今朝、疲れたから遅く起きたが走ったか ら会社に時間どおり着いた。

今会社にいる。今朝、疲れたから遅く起きたが走ったか ら会社に遅くなかった。

Are any/both of them correct? Also, and it may be a basic question, but when it comes to saying I'm at work now, would you use いる usually? Or would you typically use another form?


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(#2 (permalink))
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06-24-2010, 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by StueyT View Post
Basically, I'm writing a diary in Japanese so I can practice more. What I have tried to write, 95% from what I already know/think I know, is that I have work today, but I woke up late. Despite this, I arrived at the office on time because I ran.
I have come up with 2 versions:

今会社にいる。今朝、疲れたから遅く起きたが走ったか ら会社に時間どおり着いた。

今会社にいる。今朝、疲れたから遅く起きたが走ったか ら会社に遅くなかった。

Are any/both of them correct? Also, and it may be a basic question, but when it comes to saying I'm at work now, would you use いる usually? Or would you typically use another form?
You have clearly tried very hard but I'm afraid neither one is correct nor natural-sounding.  

1. You cannot use から twice in a sentence. Native speakers won't even use it once, believe it or not. から seems to be way overrated outside of Japan. In Japan, it's only used in much more casual speech than this. Have you learned ので? 

2. 「遅く起きた」is grammatically correct but better writers will sense that you translated directly from another language and will call it unnatural.

3. You cannnot say 「疲れたから」 here. If you do, it sounds as if you did something this morning that made you tired. You had been tired even before you got up, hadn't you?

4. Use 会社には instead of 会社に. This is the most natutal and economical way to express that, although you left home late, you made it to the office on time. We express these nuance things using extra particles, not with other longer words, which would only make it wordy.

#1. 今会社にいる。今朝、疲れていて寝坊(ねぼう)したが 、走ったので会社には時間どおりに着いた。

#2. 今会社にいる。今朝、疲れていて起きるのが遅くなった が、走ったので会社には時間どおりに着いた。

時間どおりに着いた can be replaced by 遅れなかった but not 遅くなかった as you had done.
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06-24-2010, 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sashimister View Post
#1. 今会社にいる。今朝、疲れていて寝坊(ねぼう)したが 、走ったので会社には時間どおりに着いた。
Speaking of 寝坊, is there a difference between that and 朝寝坊 (which my book Kanji in Context includes in its vocabulary for 坊)?
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06-24-2010, 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Speaking of 寝坊, is there a difference between that and 朝寝坊 (which my book Kanji in Context includes in its vocabulary for 坊)?
I`ll drop in my opinion on this.

I can 寝坊 a 昼寝... But doubt I could 朝寝坊 one.

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(#5 (permalink))
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06-24-2010, 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Speaking of 寝坊, is there a difference between that and 朝寝坊 (which my book Kanji in Context includes in its vocabulary for 坊)?
Both mean the same thing. Children tend to use 朝寝坊 more often than adult speakers do.
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06-24-2010, 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sashimister View Post
Both mean the same thing. Children tend to use 朝寝坊 more often than adult speakers do.
I thought it sounded a little off. Maybe because it's a mixed on/kun reading as あさネボウ?
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(#7 (permalink))
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06-25-2010, 11:01 AM

Thanks guys,

So から is rarely used? I haven't learnt about ので yet but I've heard it's only used for past tenses? If so, what would you use in the present/future?

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(#8 (permalink))
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06-25-2010, 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by StueyT View Post
Thanks guys,

So から is rarely used? I haven't learnt about ので yet but I've heard it's only used for past tenses? If so, what would you use in the present/future?
から is used very often but in more casual conversation.

Both ので/から are used regardless of the tense of the sentence.

The point I was trying to make is that Japanese-learners often use から even though the sentences they form tend to be at least semi-formal. I'm not necessarily saying it's "incorrect" to use から in those sentences but native listeners/readers rarely miss these and will feel "funny". You will feel the same if I used "'cuz" instead of "because" in a formal speech.
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06-25-2010, 01:07 PM

Yeah, I understand I bit more now. Thanks.

I know ので comes up later in the books that I'm studying from, so I'll see how they explain it and use it in comparison with から.

On a seperate note, in the edited sentences you made for me I noticed a form I haven't seen before and was wondering what exactly ~ていて is?

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(#10 (permalink))
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06-25-2010, 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by StueyT View Post
Yeah, I understand I bit more now. Thanks.

I know ので comes up later in the books that I'm studying from, so I'll see how they explain it and use it in comparison with から.

On a seperate note, in the edited sentences you made for me I noticed a form I haven't seen before and was wondering what exactly ~ていて is?
疲れていて is the "te form" of 疲れている.

疲れていて~~した = I was so tired that I ~~.
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