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(#1 (permalink))
zUkUu (Offline)
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"My Way" [figuratively] translation - 09-03-2010, 03:08 PM

For my next tattoo I want the figuratively translation of the meaning "my way".

Like Bushido 武士道 is the "way of the warrior" and Aikido 合気道 is "the way of merging with energy", I want the meaning like "way of me/myself", "in my manner", "my style", "i do it my way" but it should read like simply "my way".

I want the 道-kanji for "way" in it, but I'm not limited to it and open to any suggestions.

I hope I could make myself clear, if not I'll try to explain it further.

I would really appreciate if you could translate each kanji to give me a better understanding + write it in romaji aswell.

Thanks in advance
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(#2 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 03:18 PM

I think the way it is spoken of in Japan is マイペース.

Edit: for example:
He is the type that likes to live life his own way.
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(#3 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 10:10 PM

Don't you think it is going to seem strange to have "My way" tattooed on you?


My "way" (street) -Male with the 道 Kanji you requested.

Having "My street" tattooed on you would look a little strange too in my opinion.
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(#4 (permalink))
zUkUu (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 10:26 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
Don't you think it is going to seem strange to have "My way" tattooed on you?


My "way" (street) -Male with the 道 Kanji you requested.

Having "My street" tattooed on you would look a little strange too in my opinion.
that's the reason one should carefully read the post. bushido is not "the street of the warrior" it's a spirutal meaning of "way" not the thing you walk on.

thx for the effort nonetheless so far
hope we can collect some more suggestions
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(#5 (permalink))
zUkUu (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 10:33 PM

thats what my japanese friend came up with: 俺流 or 我流 or in some capacity 我道 and 我道を往く

maybe something fits the meaning
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(#6 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 10:49 PM

俺流 and 我流 don't have 道 in them, and when reading your post you requested 道

道 can mean way, path, street, road, etc. and unlike an already established word such as 武士道 there is no way to understand that you are intending 道 to mean "path in life"

我流 is "self taught" and you cannot simply cut and paste Kanji together to form a word that makes sense. I'm confused as to why you are asking people you don't know online to come up with a translation for you when you apparently have a Japanese friend who can do it for you.

Maybe you should just go with 我道を往く if that is what your friend suggested.
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(#7 (permalink))
zUkUu (Offline)
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09-03-2010, 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
俺流 and 我流 don't have 道 in them, and when reading your post you requested 道

道 can mean way, path, street, road, etc. and unlike an already established word such as 武士道 there is no way to understand that you are intending 道 to mean "path in life"

我流 is "self taught" and you cannot simply cut and paste Kanji together to form a word that makes sense. I'm confused as to why you are asking people you don't know online to come up with a translation for you when you apparently have a Japanese friend who can do it for you.

Maybe you should just go with 我道を往く if that is what your friend suggested.
I shall quote myself
I want the 道-kanji for "way" in it, but I'm not limited to it and open to any suggestions.

I didnt made any of those kanji-words. They are all made up by him and you should have realized (like me) that this can't be really well translated literally. and it's something that stays on me for my whole life, so you should understand I want it chosen carefully and not take the first made up thing from just one guy.

Last edited by zUkUu : 09-03-2010 at 11:36 PM.
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(#8 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-04-2010, 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by zUkUu View Post
I shall quote myself
I want the 道-kanji for "way" in it, but I'm not limited to it and open to any suggestions.

I didnt made any of those kanji-words. They are all made up by him and you should have realized (like me) that this can't be really well translated literally. and it's something that stays on me for my whole life, so you should understand I want it chosen carefully and not take the first made up thing from just one guy.
This is hilarious. You are such an arse.

I gave you the answer in post #2: マイペース
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(#9 (permalink))
zUkUu (Offline)
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09-04-2010, 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
This is hilarious. You are such an arse.

I gave you the answer in post #2: マイペース
mh? Why do you insult me out of the blue? I've done no harm.
I appreciate your answer (like i allready mentioned above), so don't get yourself worked up. 'Till now, noone came up with the same suggestion like one other. I'd guess there is more than one correct answer, so I'll just want to collect more suggestions to take the one which fits me best.

Last edited by zUkUu : 09-04-2010 at 12:01 PM.
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(#10 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-04-2010, 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by zUkUu View Post
mh? Why do you insult me out of the blue?
Because you're being rude.
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