so. does anyone use this website for learning languages?
i was wondering if someone who is native Japanese speaker or just really skilled would care to joining my friends list and checking up on my japanese once in a while. i write every couple of days a blog of what i did, what happened etc.
here is the latest:
今日はしせつのおみせ行きました。私と三人のともだち はそのに行きました。日本のおみせでティーと日本のチ ョコレートをかいました。韓国のおみせティーもかいま した。今のんでいます。おいしいですよ。それから内に かえりました、でもてんきはさむいですよ。私はてぶく ろがじゃありませんでした。;( たのしい日はそうで すね。
it would be nice to have people you know checking up on you. i can offer help with your english or Latvian. can teach you some curse words also in russian
my nick there is also evanny.
you could say i've been studying japanese for 2 months now.