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12-22-2010, 10:36 AM
Thanks alot masaegu san. Could you kindly check my translations (especially 2, 5, 6, 8), too?
![]() I have no idea what number 7 means, and also I am kinda confused when it comes to sentences number 6 and 8 because I don't know when "治ったら" means "when", "if" or "after". Usually I would prefer to use "たら" for "if" and "あとで" for "after". Can't remember the alternative for "when", though. 1. スミスさんのおかげでスペリングの間違いが直った。 Thanks to Mr. Smith, the spelling mistakes have been corrected. 2. 努力したら悪い癖が直った。 Bad habit can be corrected if one's make an effort. 3. 時計が直ったのでうれしい。 I am happy because my watch has been repaired. 4. スミスさんはスペリングの間違いを直した。 Mr.Smith has corrected the spelling mistakes. 5. 悪い癖(くせ)は早く直しなさい。 Correct your bad habit soon. 6. カゼが治ったら飲みに行きたい。 I want to go for a drink (beer) after I have recovered from a cold. 7. 足のケガがやっと治った。 8. 病気が治ったら旅行に行きましょう。 Let's go for a trip after you/I have recovered from illness. 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-22-2010, 10:39 AM
Could you also help me translate the above phrases? ![]() 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-22-2010, 10:57 AM
1. スミスさんのおかげでスペリングの間違いが直った。 Thanks to Mr. Smith, the spelling mistakes have been corrected. 2. 努力したら悪い癖が直った。 Bad habit can be corrected if one's make an effort. The original is in the past tense. 3. 時計が直ったのでうれしい。 I am happy because my watch has been repaired. 4. スミスさんはスペリングの間違いを直した。 Mr.Smith has corrected the spelling mistakes. 5. 悪い癖(くせ)は早く直しなさい。 Correct your bad habit soon. What I had in mind was "Get rid of" but don't trust my English. 6. カゼが治ったら飲みに行きたい。 I want to go for a drink (beer) after I have recovered from a cold. 7. 足のケガがやっと治った。 My foot injury has finally healed. 8. 病気が治ったら旅行に行きましょう。 Let's go for a trip after you/I have recovered from illness. |
12-22-2010, 11:24 AM
Even #2?
1. to make noise in an annoying way そんなに騒いでると警察を呼ばれるぞ! If you keep making noise like that, someone will call over the police. 2. to party hard (in a good merrymaking way) クリスマスに酒を飲んで騒いだ。 (Someone) drank and made merry on Christmas. 4. to feel uneasy (in reaction to hearing bad news) その知らせに胸が騒いだ。 I felt uneasy about the news. |
12-23-2010, 08:05 AM
No. Not for emergent message.
But, yes. It is still used indeed, but just for ceremonial indication. There are two type of telegraph, 祝電(syuku-den) and 弔電(cho-den). When a person doesn't/can't attend a bridal reception party of his/her friend or co-worker, he/she would send syuku-den, usually in advance. In the party, the announcer would read these telegrams. If there are too many telegrams to be read, the announcer would read telegrams from socially high-rank persons or from very important persons. The context is usually almost the same, for example; ご結婚おめでとうございます。お二人で末永くお幸せに 。 XXX会社, 専務, XXX(name) When a person can't attend a funeral of his/her friend or co-worker's parent, he/she would send cho-den. ご尊父様のご逝去を悼み、謹んでお悔やみ申しあげます 。 XXXcompany, XXXX(name) It is very important to send these kind of telegram for common cutesy. It is one of Japanese culture, I think. It costs about 4000yen to 9000yen. I think it is rather expensive. And maybe it is great income for NTT. I think NTT is Nippon Telephone and Telegram company. We can choose the number of letters. The longer the context is, the more expensive the cost would become. And we can choose the mounting board, on which the telegram is mounted. For example, the mounting board with pressed flowers is expensive. Or, the mounting board with musical sound, when opened, is expensive. We have to choose, not too cheap one nor too expensive one. We have to decide according to the relation, according to social rank, etc. I usually personally choose middle-class mounting board. ![]() |
12-24-2010, 12:45 AM
Hi masaegu san, what do you meant by "The original is in the past tense"? Could you kindly retranslate it for me? ![]() 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
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