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Japanese to English translation -
12-27-2010, 02:20 AM
Can someone please translate this for me? Thanks in advance! =D
私のことを女だと思ってた人はまず釣られてます。乙で す。 でも本当に釣りたかったのは、釣られまいと「男だ」と 最初から決め付けてかかってた人たちwww 必死になって私が男である確証を得る為に、血眼になっ て探し回ってるところをm9(^Д^)プギャー!してました。 そのためにスレの過去ログや掲載してるブログにも削除 依頼しないままにして、そういう行動をしやすい状態に しておいたしw 予想通り、見事にそれを見つけてきてくれましたねww w 普通女だと思わせたいならその辺全部消した上でやるだ ろうし、そういうとこがヒントになって誰か気付くかも とか思ってたのですが。 そして、「男なわけないじゃん」という発言。ここから 一気に荒れると予想してました。 ちょうどそのときの文の前半部を下から縦読みで読むと 、「ほんとは男ですけっどね」になり、男だと宣言して たんですwww 私から見ると、「もう男だって言ってるのに何必死にや ってんのwwwwこいつらwwww」 って感じでm9(^Д^)プギャー!してました。 ちなみに前回のも「まあバレバレとは思うけど男です」 になる 引っ張れば引っ張るほど、もっと他に確定的な証拠はな いかと探し回ってくれて、ニヤニヤしながら見させても らってましたw ってか、20歳過ぎて友達に自分の服着せてたとか苦し紛� ��な言い訳する馬鹿がどこにいるのかとwwwww |
12-27-2010, 06:55 AM
http://kamome.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1293065920/ Cryptanalysis is necessary for you. set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff |
12-27-2010, 12:37 PM
What you had written is fair in a certain way. But what if the thread starter doesn't understand Japanese at all and need help on translation and doesn't have enough money to seek help from a translator? Do you still expect him to make an attempt first? You wrote "Here, we expect a person to make an attempt before we help." but maybe you should alter the "We" to "I". You should probably also flash back a little and remind yourself how difficult it was for you when you first learn Japanese and how you wish that there is someone there to guide you and help you. Just because you are able to write and speak proper Japanese now doesn't mean everyone else here can. I am sure you wouldn't had said the same thing if you are still a beginner 1 student right now. 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-27-2010, 11:44 PM
For the most part, yes, barring extenuating circumstances like "this is from a letter a woman wrote to my grandfather; he just died; we're hoping to find out what it says." Quote:
This is why in Japanese class you have homework assignments where you do translations yourself rather than just have the teacher give you the answers. Let me point out here that I'm not being mean or rude. I'm doing exactly what a teacher would do if you asked him to translate a book for you: he would say "you try it yourself first; then I'll help where you need it." |
12-31-2010, 02:52 AM
As a matter of fact, I did try to translate it myself. I first tried an online translator but I should have known from the start that that wouldn't be much help as the sentences hardly made any sense after translation. I tried actually translating some of it myself but to no avail, if you guys would like to assist me in translating it myself that would be much appreciated as well.
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12-31-2010, 02:53 AM
01-01-2011, 12:05 AM
But be advised that the advanced speakers here tend to prefer to help people studying the language and trying to improve their Japanese over someone who just wants a free translation. But you might get lucky; there is someone here who literally does nothing but what I've suggested you do (online translator + make it sound more native), and the person is getting help from a native speaker on multiple, very long passages of difficult Japanese. |
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