12-29-2010, 03:44 AM
未来=future, just "future" in general 将来= one's future, someone's future, some human-being's future (未来・将来)の都市の設計図を頭に描く ・・・・未来 is correct. 私の(未来・将来)の人生プランを頭に描く ・・・・・・・将来 is correct. あなたは(未来・将来)、どんな人になりたいですか? 大統領になりたいです。 ・・・・将来 is correct. タイムマシンに乗って、10年後の (未来・将来)へ行ってみたい ・・・・・・未来 is correct. タイムマシンに乗って、10年後の(未来・将来)の自 分を見てみたい。 ・・・将来 is correct. Hope this helps. edit) This is what I think, as a native-Japanese speaker. But my Japanese dictionary defines something different..... It says that "将来 is nearer future than 未来, in general." To be honest with you, I disagree the dictionary's definition. I strongly believe that mine is better. But I lost my confidence, after looking at my dictionary... |
12-29-2010, 03:56 AM
Thanks supperman san. What about "そうか (I see)" and "なるほど (I see)"?
Also, I have been using "どうも" whenever I am thanking my classmates, but I have also heard many times in Dorama that the actors actually say "どうも" when saying "Hello". So I was wondering if "どうも" is also a casual way of saying "こんにちは"? 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-29-2010, 04:11 AM
Both words are impolite and males tend to use them. You should be cautious, because it may become offensive, in some context. Besides, そうですね。 そうでしたか。 なるほどですね。 なるほどそうでしたか。 are politer. So females can use them without becoming offensive. どうも=completely, totally どうも(ありがとう)=Thank you, very much (totally). どうも(すみません)=I'm sorry, from bottom of my heart. 先日はどうも(お世話になりました)=Thank you for your taking much time for me the other day. どうも(ごぶさたしております)=Hi. Long time no see, indeed. The latter half of the sentences are abbreviated, so you can use どうも in various ways. それでは、どうも。 (どうもおそまつな返答で恐縮 でございます。) |
12-29-2010, 05:17 AM
Thanks for the detailed explanations, supperman san. But I would also like to know if I can use "どうも" as "Hi"?
For example, I saw you in a pub. Can I say "どうも" to you instead of "こんいちは"? Also, can "どうもすみません" be use as "Thank you" too? For example, in this 会話 I extracted from my textbook. The chap actually say "どうもすみません" instead of "どうもありがとう" and it kind of puzzle me when I first read it. スミス:すみません。 高島屋はどこですか。 女の人:高島屋ですか。あそこに白いビルがありますね 。 あのビルの中です。 スミス:そうですか。どうもすみません。 女の人:いいえ。 I was confused why he says "どうもすみません" instead of "どうもありがとう" when he thank her. 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-29-2010, 05:29 AM
Personally, I think both you and the dictionary are correct. Based on what you stated, "未来" is future in general and for that it could means a hundred years to a thousand years or more. And no human can live that long so I do think is right to use "将来" when talking about human beings and "未来" for further future. 失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-29-2010, 05:55 AM
I think maybe "未来" can also be use on human beings but only if someone is capable of leaping through time from 2010 back to 1810 and the person from 1810 will ask the person from 2010 if he/she came from the future (未来からきましたか?), or for example, we are talking about future people, but I could be wrong though, just a guess.
失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と 立ち直れる奴だ。 |
12-31-2010, 11:56 PM
I found this via Google, and it comports with what supperman said:
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